我正在尝试对 2.6 设置理解,并遇到以下两种方式。我认为第一种方法会比第二种方法快,timeit否则建议。为什么第二种方法更快,即使第二种方法有一个额外的列表实例化,然后是一个集合实例化?


In [16]: %timeit set(node[0] for node in pwnodes if node[1].get('pm'))
1000000 loops, best of 3: 568 ns per loop


In [17]: %timeit set([node[0] for node in pwnodes if node[1].get('pm')]) 
1000000 loops, best of 3: 469 ns per loop

哪里pwnodes = [('e1', dict(pm=1, wired=1)), ('e2', dict(pm=1, wired=1))]


2 回答 2


Iteration is simply faster when using a list comprehension:

In [23]: from collections import deque

In [24]: %timeit deque((node[0] for node in pwnodes if node[1].get('pm')), maxlen=0)
1000 loops, best of 3: 305 µs per loop

In [25]: %timeit deque([node[0] for node in pwnodes if node[1].get('pm')], maxlen=0)
1000 loops, best of 3: 246 µs per loop

The deque is used to illustrate iteration speed; a deque with maxlen set to 0 discards all elements taken from the iterable so there are no memory allocation differences to skew the results.

That's because in Python 2, list comprehensions don't use a separate namespace, while a generator expression does (it has to, by necessity). That extra namespace requires a new frame on the stack, and this is expensive. The major advantage of generator expressions is their low memory footprint, not their speed.

In Python 3, list comprehensions have a separate namespace as well, and list comprehension and generator iteration speed is comparable. You also have set comprehensions, which are fastest still, even on Python 2.

于 2015-07-07T14:28:06.263 回答

My guess is because the second one involves a generator and the first one doesn't. Generators are generally slower than the equivalent list if the equivalent list fits in memory.

In [4]: timeit for i in [i for i in range(1000)]: pass
10000 loops, best of 3: 47.2 µs per loop

In [5]: timeit for i in (i for i in range(1000)): pass
10000 loops, best of 3: 57.8 µs per loop
于 2015-07-07T14:27:59.570 回答