we have a use case where we want the chef orchestration to wait until a particular directory gets deleted in the machine. is there some way to achieve it?
I searched in the internet and found the following cookbook
I feel it can be used but i am having difficulty in understanding how can I use it, there is no read me about using it.
How can i achieve it?
edit to remove hold: say you have following recipe
execute 'making dir' do
command 'mkdir /tmp/test2'
not_if do ::File.directory?('/tmp/test1') end
reference: https://docs.chef.io/resource_common.html#not-if-examples
here, what i want by not_if was "wait until /tmp/test1 gets deleted" but how chef executs this is like "it found directory exixting so it did not execute the resource and exited"
i need a way to perform wait until a condition becomes true.