update Table1
set status = 'Edited'
where val_74 ='1' and status ='Valid'
and val_35 is not null
and (val_35,network_id) in
(select val_35,network_id from
Table2 where val_35 is not null
and status='Correct_1');
update Table1 b SET (Val_12,Val_13,Val_14)=
(select Val_12,Val_13,Val_14 from
(select Val_35,network_id, Val_12, Val_13, Val_14
from Table2
where Val_34 is not null
and (REGEXP_LIKE(Val_13,'^[0-9]+$'))
and (Val_14 is null or (REGEXP_LIKE(Val_14,'^[0-9]+$')))
group by Val_35,network_id,Val_12,Val_13,Val_14
where Val_35 = b.Val_35 and network_id = b.network_id and rownum=1
where status = 'PCStep2' and (regexp_like(Val_13,'[MSS]+') or regexp_like(Val_14,'[MSS]+'));
我用我较少的 SQL JOIN 知识尝试了很多。但得到多个错误。任何人都可以帮助我最早的查询。