There are 2 needed functions: set password when registering and change password, if user forgot it. When user signs up, password length must be at least 4 chars; when changes pass - at least 5 chars.
View is common for registration and changing pass. Obviously, also 2 actions exist, in which either scenario 'signup', either 'change' used. Code snippet in model:
public function rules() {
return [
['password', 'string', 'min' => 4, 'on' => 'signup'],
['password', 'string', 'min' => 5, 'on' => 'change'],
But I want to do do it via scenarios(). How to do it? I'm a beginner in Yii, so did not understand, when and how to use scenarios(). Thanks.
UPD. I need to use scenarios() for ONE field with ONE rule, but DIFFERENT arguments to this one rule. how to define a scenario in Yii2? - it is NOT my case.