您可以对 Share 进行一些自定义。
例如,如果您需要打开任何业务流程的启动表单,您可以在弹出窗口中找到它的索引,然后在 URL 中添加一个附加参数(比如说,openFormParam
onReady: function StartWorkflow_onReady() {
// skipped ...
// get the additional parameter from the URL here
// var openFormParam = ...
if(openFormParam !== null) {
var p_aArgs = [];
var index = {index: 0}; // for the first workflow in the popup
p_aArgs.push(0, index);
this.onWorkflowSelectChange(null, p_aArgs);
return Alfresco.component.StartWorkflow.superclass.onReady.call(this);
onWorkflowSelectChange: function StartWorkflow_onWorkflowSelectChange(p_sType, p_aArgs) {
var i = p_aArgs[1].index;
if (i >= 0) {
// Update label of workflow menu button
var workflowDefinition = this.options.workflowDefinitions[i];
this.widgets.workflowDefinitionMenuButton.set("label", workflowDefinition.title + " " + Alfresco.constants.MENU_ARROW_SYMBOL);
this.widgets.workflowDefinitionMenuButton.set("title", workflowDefinition.description);
// Load the form for the specific workflow
url: Alfresco.constants.URL_SERVICECONTEXT + "components/form",
dataObj: {
htmlid: this.id + "-startWorkflowForm-" + Alfresco.util.generateDomId(),
itemKind: "workflow",
itemId: workflowDefinition.name,
mode: "create",
submitType: "json",
showCaption: true,
formUI: true,
showCancelButton: true,
destination: this.options.destination
successCallback: {
fn: this.onWorkflowFormLoaded,
scope: this
failureMessage: this.msg("message.failure"),
scope: this,
execScripts: true