I set up Secure Gateway's destination host as hostname which is ssldemo, not an IP address. I started SG Client with '--net="host"' option in order to resolve the hostname. Of course, the host operating system can resolve the hostname. Please see the logs of ping the hostname. But, SG Client couldn't resolve the hostname and got "ENOTFOUND" error when the trx was executed. I tried to add '--net="host" --add-host "ssldemo:"' options, but I got the same error.

Could you please teach me how to resolve "ENOTFOUND" error?

linux-h4fn:~ #  docker run -it ibmcom/secure-gateway-client *GATEWAY_ID* --net="host"
IBM Bluemix Secure Gateway Client version 1.1.0
press enter for the command line
[2015-07-06 10:46:50.383] [INFO] The Secure Gateway tunnel is connected
[2015-07-06 10:46:56.824] [INFO] Connection #78 is being established to ssldemo:443
[2015-07-06 10:46:56.845] [INFO] Connection #78 established to ssldemo:443
[2015-07-06 10:46:56.950] [ERROR] Connection #78 to destination ssldemo:443 had error: ENOTFOUND
[2015-07-06 10:46:56.972] [INFO] Connection #78 to ssldemo:443 was closed
[2015-07-06 10:46:58.080] [INFO] Connection #79 is being established to ssldemo:443
[2015-07-06 10:46:58.100] [INFO] Connection #79 established to ssldemo:443
[2015-07-06 10:46:58.296] [ERROR] Connection #79 to destination ssldemo:443 had error: ENOTFOUND

linux-h4fn:~ # ping ssldemo
PING ssldemo ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ssldemo ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=5.01 ms
64 bytes from ssldemo ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=11.4 ms

2 回答 2


如果在重新启动之前正常工作的 Secure Gateway 连接时收到 ENOTFOUND 错误,则可能是 Docker 服务本身的问题,因此可以通过在系统上重新启动 Docker 服务来解决。

如果 SG 客户端容器仍在运行,请将其终止:

  • 须藤码头工人ps
  • sudo docker kill containerid

重启 Docker:

  • 须藤服务码头重新启动

重新启动 SG 客户端容器:

  • sudo docker run -it ibmcom/secure-gateway-client clientid

不要让 get 更新您的访问控制列表:

  • acl 允许 主机端口
于 2016-01-29T16:03:20.910 回答

安全网关服务无法识别 DNS​​ 名称。您可以尝试使用 IP 地址而不是主机名吗?

于 2015-07-06T17:39:06.123 回答