My latex file is:
\title{\large\textbf{Optimizarea rela\c tiei dintre structur\u a \c si comportament \^in modelarea UML}}
Sorin Oltean \\
\textit{Universitatea Transilvania din Bra\c sov} \\
\small\textit{,} \\
\small Tel.: 0752/314288
Something..... text.........
\textbf{Cuvinte cheie:} \textit{sistem, structur\u a, comportament, UML}
\paragraph{ }
\paragraph{ }
After para1, i wanna start a new paragraph, but between the paragraphs there is a blank line, how can i start the 2nd paragraph below the 1st one, without that blank space? Also, how can i define the margins (top, down, left, right) of the document? There is too much space from the left, right, top and down, i wanna just 2cm space from the left and right, and 3cm from the top and down. Sorry for my bad english.. Also how can i specify the font name and size of the document?