我正在开发 Windows 10 商店应用程序 Javascript/Html,并且由于应用程序中有 Microsoft EDGE 作为浏览器,因此内联脚本不再起作用。如果我将代码放在外部文件中,页面会加载,但点击事件都不起作用。有什么解决方案。onclick 属性不起作用的小例子。
默认.html 7 默认.js
// For an introduction to the Blank template, see the following documentation:
// http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=232509
function gored() {
document.body.style.backgroundColor = red;
(function () {
"use strict";
WinJS.Binding.optimizeBindingReferences = true;
var app = WinJS.Application;
var activation = Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation;
var isFromBackground = false;
app.onactivated = function (args) {
var localSettings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localSettings;
if (args.detail.kind === activation.ActivationKind.launch) {
if (args.detail.previousExecutionState !== activation.ApplicationExecutionState.terminated) {
// TODO: This application has been newly launched. Initialize
// your application here.
} else {
// TODO: This application has been reactivated from suspension.
// Restore application state here.
app.oncheckpoint = function (args) {
// TODO: This application is about to be suspended. Save any state
// that needs to persist across suspensions here. You might use the
// WinJS.Application.sessionState object, which is automatically
// saved and restored across suspension. If you need to complete an
// asynchronous operation before your application is suspended, call
// args.setPromise().
isFromBackground = true;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<!-- WinJS references -->
<!-- To get the latest version of WinJS, go to: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=533245 -->
<link href="WinJS/css/ui-dark.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="WinJS/js/WinJS.js"></script>
<!-- App1 references -->
<link href="/css/default.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/js/default.js"></script>
<p>Content goes here</p>
<button onclick="gored()"> Click Me</button>