I went to an id tech camp recently and they gave us a USB with all our work but it was on a PC so I was trying to get it on my Mac and then it says file not found so I check the folders the .metadata is not there so I use my dad's PC and it's there. Is there a way I can get it on my mac.i need my .project file to open it but it is not showing up on my Mac is there any other besides getting a PC please I would really appreciate it


1 回答 1


以点开头的文件在 Unix/Linux 文件系统中是隐藏的,因此默认情况下,它们不会显示在 Finder 中。


defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
killall Finder


于 2015-07-06T14:19:10.907 回答