将 VS2015RC 模板升级到 beta6 并将 project.json 中的所有依赖项升级到 beta5 时出现错误。
不确定它是否相关但必须删除 app.UseBrowserLink(); 从 startup.cs 开始编译。 https://github.com/aspnet/Home/issues/719#issuecomment-118632892
我还将 _globalimport 重命名为 _viewimports,但都尝试了,没有区别。
在 startup.cs 我可以看到对象的注入。
IConfiguration config = Configuration.GetConfigurationSection("AppSettings");
@inject IOptions<AppSettings> AppSettings
An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to process this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
#line hidden
public ASPV__Views_Shared__Layout_cshtml()
#line hidden
public IOptions<AppSettings> AppSettings { get; private set; }
public Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Rendering.IHtmlHelper<dynamic> Html { get; private set; }
public Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Rendering.IJsonHelper Json { get; private set; }
public Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.IViewComponentHelper Component { get; private set; }