如何将 Salesforce 与 Google 地图集成?我只是在寻找有关如何...

  1. 在 Salesforce 中搜索联系人
  2. 在谷歌地图上绘制它们。

3 回答 3



感谢tggagne的评论,我意识到人们仍然看到这个答案。这里的代码已经有 2.5 年的历史了。如果您想查看它 - 检查编辑历史记录。

与此同时,发生了很多变化,创建了更多混搭示例。其中最重要的是 Cory Cowgill 的“SF Bus Radar”(githubyoutube)应用程序(我认为是在 Dreamforce'11 上创建的)。

尽管如此 - 这是我更新的示例,其中包含服务器端地理编码、地理定位类型的新字段和 JSON 解析器的使用。

它尝试将地理编码结果缓存在联系人记录中。请记住,它可能不是“生产就绪”(没有 Google Business API 密钥 = 因为我们所有的请求都来自同一个 Salesforce IP 服务器池,所以可能会出现错误消息)。这就是为什么我也离开了客户端地理编码。

在签出之前,您需要在环境中进行 2 处更改:

  1. 添加指向https://maps.googleapis.com的“远程站点设置”以启用来自 Apex 的标注
  2. 在设置 -> 自定义 -> 联系人 -> 字段中添加字段“位置”。类型应为“地理位置”。我选择了显示为小数和 6 位小数的精度。

    public with sharing class mapController {
    public String searchText {get;set;}
    public List<Contact> contacts{get; private set;}
    public static final String GEOCODING_URI_BASE = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?sensor=false&address=';
    // For purposes of this demo I'll geocode only couple of addresses server-side. Real code can use the commented out value.
    public static final Integer MAX_CALLOUTS_FROM_APEX = 3; // Limits.getLimitCallouts()
    public mapController(){
        searchText = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('q');
    public void find() {
        if(searchText != null && searchText.length() > 1){
            List<List<SObject>> results = [FIND :('*' + searchText + '*') IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING 
                Contact (Id, Name, Email, Account.Name,
                    MailingStreet, MailingCity, MailingPostalCode, MailingState, MailingCountry, 
                    Location__Latitude__s, Location__Longitude__s)
            contacts = (List<Contact>)results[0];
                ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, 'No matches for "' + searchText + '"'));
            } else {
        } else {
            if(contacts != null) {
            ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, 'Please provide at least 2 characters for the search.'));
    public void clearGeocodedData(){
        for(Contact c : contacts){
            c.Location__Latitude__s = c.Location__Longitude__s = null;
        Database.update(contacts, false);
    public String getContactsJson(){
        return JSON.serialize(contacts);
    public String getDebugContactsJson(){
        return JSON.serializePretty(contacts);
    private void serverSideGeocode(){
        List<Contact> contactsToUpdate = new List<Contact>();
        Http h = new Http();  
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
        for(Contact c : contacts){
            if((c.Location__Latitude__s == null || c.Location__Longitude__s == null)){
                String address = c.MailingStreet != null ? c.MailingStreet + ' ' : '' +
                    c.MailingCity != null ? c.MailingCity + ' ' : '' +
                    c.MailingState != null ? c.MailingState + ' ' : '' +
                    c.MailingPostalCode != null ? c.MailingPostalCode + ' ' : '' +
                    c.MailingCountry != null ? c.MailingCountry : '';
                if(address != ''){
                    req.setEndpoint(GEOCODING_URI_BASE + EncodingUtil.urlEncode(address, 'UTF-8'));
                        HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
                        GResponse gr = (GResponse) JSON.deserialize(res.getBody(), mapController.GResponse.class);
                        if(gr.status == 'OK'){
                            LatLng ll = gr.results[0].geometry.location;
                            c.Location__Latitude__s = ll.lat;
                            c.Location__Longitude__s = ll.lng;
                        } else {
                            ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Geocoding of "' + address + '" failed:' + gr.status));
                    }catch(Exception e){
                // Bail out if we've reached limit of callouts (not all contacts might have been processed).
                if(Limits.getCallouts() == MAX_CALLOUTS_FROM_APEX) {
        if(!contactsToUpdate.isEmpty()) {
            Database.update(contactsToUpdate, false); // some data in Developer editions is invalid (on purpose I think).
            // If update fails because "j.davis@expressl&amp;t.net" is not a valid Email, I want the rest to succeed
    // Helper class - template into which results of lookup will be parsed. Some fields are skipped!
    // Visit https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/#Results if you need to create full mapping.
    public class GResponse{
        public String status;
        public GComponents[] results;
    public class GComponents{
       public String formatted_address;
       public GGeometry geometry;
    public class GGeometry {
        public LatLng location;
    public class LatLng{
        public Double lat, lng;

<apex:page controller="mapController" tabStyle="Contact" action="{!find}" id="page">
            div #map_canvas { height: 400px; }
        <script type="text/javascript" src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
    <apex:sectionHeader title="Hello StackOverflow!" subtitle="Contact full text search + Google Maps integration" />
    <apex:pageMessages />
    <apex:form id="form">
        <apex:pageBlock id="searchBlock">
            <apex:inputText value="{!searchText}" />
            <apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!find}"/>
            <p>Examples: <a href="/apex/{!$CurrentPage.Name}?q=USA">"USA"</a>, "Singapore", "Uni", "(336) 222-7000". If it works in the global search box, it will work here.</p>
        <apex:pageBlock title="Found {!contacts.size} Contact(s)..." rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(contacts)) && contacts.size > 0}" id="resultsBlock">
            <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
                <apex:commandButton value="Clear cached locations" title="Click if you want to set 'null' as geolocation info for all these contacts" action="{!clearGeocodedData}" />
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!contacts}" var="c" id="contacts">
                <apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Contact.fields.Name.label}">
                    <apex:outputLink value="../{!c.Id}">{!c.Name}</apex:outputLink>
                <apex:column headerValue="Address">
                    {!c.MailingStreet} {!c.MailingCity} {!c.MailingCountry}
                <apex:column value="{!c.Account.Name}"/>
                <apex:column headerValue="Location (retrieved from DB or geocoded server-side)">
                    {!c.Location__Latitude__s}, {!c.Location__Longitude__s}
            <apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" id="mapSection">
                <div id="map_canvas" />
            <apex:pageBlockSection title="Click to show/hide what was geocoded server-side and passed to JS for further manipulation" columns="1" id="debugSection">
            <pre id="log"></pre>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    twistSection(document.getElementById('page:form:resultsBlock:debugSection').childNodes[0].childNodes[0]); // initially hide the debug section

    var contacts = {!contactsJson};    // Array of contact data, some of them might have lat/long info, some we'll have to geocode client side
    var coords = [];                   // Just the latitude/longitude for each contact
    var requestCounter = 0;

    var markers = [];                  // Red things we pin to the map.
    var balloon = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); // Comic-like baloon that floats over markers.

    function geocodeClientSide() {
        for(var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
            if(contacts[i].Location__Latitude__s != null && contacts[i].Location__Longitude__s != null) {
                coords.push(new google.maps.LatLng(contacts[i].Location__Latitude__s, contacts[i].Location__Longitude__s));
            } else {
                var address = contacts[i].MailingStreet + ' ' + contacts[i].MailingCity + ' ' + contacts[i].MailingCountry;
                var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
                if (geocoder) {
                    geocoder.geocode({'address':address}, function (results, status) {
                        if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
                        } else {
                            var pTag = document.createElement("p");
                            pTag.innerHTML = status;
                        if(--requestCounter == 0) {
        // It could be the case that all was geocoded on server side (or simply retrieved from database).
        // So if we're lucky - just proceed to drawing the map.
        if(requestCounter == 0) {

    function drawMap(){
        var mapOptions = {
            center: coords[0],
            zoom: 3,
            mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
        var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),  mapOptions);

        for(var i = 0; i < coords.length; ++i){
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({map: map, position: coords[i], title:contacts[i].Name, zIndex:i});

            google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
                var index = this.zIndex;
                balloon.content = '<b>'+contacts[index].Name + '</b><br/>' + contacts[index].Account.Name + '<br/>' + contacts[index].Email;

于 2010-06-29T10:06:39.820 回答

另一个可以查看的地方是 force.com 平台基础书籍(或者如果您没有开发者帐户,则为网站)。他们在这里有一个非常好的和详细的教程,展示了如何将地图与 Salesforce 集成(他们在教程中使用 Yahoo,但它与 Google Maps 一样好)。

于 2011-04-01T13:49:26.740 回答

从 Spring '15 开始,我们也可以apex:map在没有额外的 Google API 的情况下使用。在 Lightning 中查看时也有效——没有具体的个人经验,但这就是我读到的。


<apex:map width="600px" height="400px" mapType="roadmap" center="{!Account.BillingStreet}, {!Account.BillingCity}, {!Account.BillingState}">
      <!-- Add a CUSTOM map marker for the account itself -->
      <apex:mapMarker title="{! Account.Name }" position="{!Account.BillingStreet}, {!Account.BillingCity}, {!Account.BillingState}" icon="{! URLFOR($Resource.MapMarkers, 'moderntower.png') }"/>

      <!-- Add STANDARD markers for the account's contacts -->
      <apex:repeat value="{! Account.Contacts }" var="ct">

        <apex:mapMarker title="{! ct.Name }" position="{! ct.MailingStreet }, {! ct.MailingCity }, {! ct.MailingState }"></apex:mapMarker>


在示例中,{! Account.Contacts }是一个正在迭代的联系人列表。每次迭代,它都会创建apex:mapMarker's 以映射列表中的所有联系人。尽管 OP 很旧,但“搜索结果”基本上可以替换{Account.Contacts}示例中被迭代的列表。

文档: 从该示例中提取的文档。

(我知道这是旧的,但是从更新中被带到了顶部,所以认为不使用 API 的更新是可以的。)

于 2017-06-01T18:48:00.403 回答