1b) It's difficult to securely identify a user over the phone, and the level of effort you'll make will depend on how "dangerous" unauthorized access to the account would be. My bank accounts require me to call from my home, work, or cell numbers (which I have listed with them in advance). You can ask the caller to verify randomly-selected pieces of account information that you have on file (like account number, billing zipcode, middle initial, date of birth, the seventh digit in the credit card number, etc). Some phone-based systems have a per-user PIN number that is different from the normal password/PIN. You can send the caller a one-time passcode to their mobile phone via text message, and require them to enter it into the system within some time limit. One of the more secure systems I've seen uses Verisign 的 VIP 移动应用程序可生成一次性密码。(当然如果有人偷了你的手机,那也没多大用处)