I'm trying to automate via PowerShell a number of time consuming tasks that I have to preform to make a new VM template, one of which is removing all of the NICs from the VM and cleaning up the Device Manager of non present devices.

After removing the NICs from the VM, I've tried using the following code snippets, which do the same thing, to clean up Device Manager.

wmic nic where "(servicename is null)" delete


gwmi win32_networkadapter | ?{$_.ServiceName -eq $null} | rwmi

In both cases I receive the error "Provider is not capable of the attempted operation". Reviewing the event logs for WMI-Activity didn't seem to help: ResultCode = 0x80041024; PossibleCause = Unknown.

Has anyone be able to do something similar that removes the non present devices or is able to find an issue with the above commands?

EDIT: I've tried using DevCon to remove the device, but it seems to only work with present devices. I'm now combing through the registry to see if there is a specific key or set of keys that if removed would remove the NIC from Device Manager.


4 回答 4




Get-PnpDevice -class net | ? Status -eq Unknown | Select FriendlyName,InstanceId

2) 如果您对即将使用 Kaibosh 的 Get-NetAdapters 列表感到满意,请运行以下命令:

$Devs = Get-PnpDevice -class net | ? Status -eq Unknown | Select FriendlyName,InstanceId

ForEach ($Dev in $Devs) {
    Write-Host "Removing $($Dev.FriendlyName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    $RemoveKey = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\$($Dev.InstanceId)"
    Get-Item $RemoveKey | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property | %{ Remove-ItemProperty -Path $RemoveKey -Name $_ -Verbose }
Write-Host "Done.  Please restart!" -ForegroundColor Green

注意:您在步骤 1 中的适配器列表必须仅包含您要清除的适配器。如果您有额外的内容,请相应地调整过滤器(?Status -eq XXX,例如:?FriendlyName -like "Broadcom*")!

于 2019-05-28T13:33:21.730 回答



$ removeGhosts.ps1 -narrowbyclass Net


于 2019-06-12T16:01:01.910 回答


首先通过 WMI 查询当前和启用的网络适配器并获取它们的 PNPDeviceId。该值将告诉您网络适配器位于哪个子项中。

接下来查询每个子项的注册表并找到所有适配器。解析完整的注册表项以减少到与 PNPDeviceId 值相同的长度;大致是 PCI\VEN_80AD&DEV_15A2&SUBSYS_062D1028&REV_02\2&11483669&0&C9。

比较这两个列表并找到任何孤立的注册表项。找到后,通过枚举系统帐户删除注册表项将从设备管理器中删除网络适配器。我使用了 PSExec。


# Declare variables
[string]$regIds = "";
[string]$Orphans = "";
[array]$SubKeys = @();
[array]$RegKeys = @();

# Query the present and enabled Network Adapters for the PNPDeviceId value
[array]$PNPDeviceIds = (gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "NetEnabled = true").PNPDeviceId;
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $PNPDeviceIds.Count; $i++){
    if ($SubKeys -NotContains $($PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[0] + "\" + $PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[1])){
        $SubKeys += $($PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[0] + "\" + $PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[1]);

# Query the registry for all of the adapters
foreach ($SubKey in $SubKeys){
    [array]$Keys = reg query "hklm\system\currentcontrolset\enum\$SubKey"
    $Keys = $Keys[1..$($Keys.Count -1)];
    $RegKeys += $Keys;
# Parse the Keys
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $RegKeys.Count; $i++){ $regIds += "," + $($RegKeys[$i].Split('\')[4..6] -join '\'); }
$regIds = $regIds.TrimStart(",");

# Compare the registry to the present devices
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $regIds.Split(',').Count; $i++){
    if ($PNPDeviceIds -NotContains $regIds.Split(',')[$i]){
        $Orphans += "," + $regIds.Split(',')[$i];
if ($Orphans.Length -gt 0){ $Orphans = $Orphans.TrimStart(","); }

# Delete the non-present devices
foreach ($Orphan in $Orphans)
    psexec.exe -s powershell.exe "reg delete 'hklm\system\currentcontrolset\enum\$Orphan'"
于 2015-07-09T15:40:52.270 回答

previos 脚本中的一些更改。

# Declare variables
[string]$regIds = "";
[string]$Orphan = "";
[array]$Orphans = @();
[array]$SubKeys = @();
[array]$RegKeys = @();

# Query the present and enabled Network Adapters for the PNPDeviceId value
[array]$PNPDeviceIds = (gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "NetEnabled =     true").PNPDeviceId;
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $PNPDeviceIds.Count; $i++) {
    if ($SubKeys -NotContains $($PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[0] + "\" + $PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[1])) {
        $SubKeys += $($PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[0] + "\" + $PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[1])

# Query the registry for all of the adapters
foreach ($SubKey in $SubKeys) {
    [array]$Keys = reg query "hklm\system\currentcontrolset\enum\$SubKey"
    $Keys = $Keys[1..$($Keys.Count -1)];
    $RegKeys += $Keys
# Parse the Keys
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $RegKeys.Count; $i++) {
    $regIds += "," + $($RegKeys[$i].Split('\')[4..6] -join '\');
$regIds = $regIds.TrimStart(",")

# Compare the registry to the present devices
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $regIds.Split(',').Count; $i++) {
    if ($PNPDeviceIds -NotContains $regIds.Split(',')[$i]) {
        $Orphan += "," + $regIds.Split(',')[$i]

if ($Orphan.Length -gt 0) {

    $Orphan = $Orphan.TrimStart(",")
    # Debug: Write-Host "Orphan.Lenght = "$Orphan.Length

    # Parse into Objects
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Orphan.Split(',').Count; $i++) {
        $Orphans += $Orphan.Split(',')[$i]
    # Debug: Write-Host "Orphans = $Orphans    Orphans.Lenght = "$Orphans.Length

    $Orphan = ""

    # Delete the non-present devices
    foreach ($Orphan in $Orphans)
        $Orphan = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\" + $Orphan
        Write-Host "You must have Full Rights and You should be Owner" -    ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
        Write-Host "Deleting KEY: " -NoNewline
        Write-Host $Orphan -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline

        If (Test-Path -Path $Orphan) {
            Remove-Item -Path $Orphan -Force -Recurse -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction     SilentlyContinue
            if (Test-Path -Path $Orphan) {
                Write-Host "   UnSuccsessfully!" -ForegroundColor Red
                Write-Host $Error[0] -ForegroundColor Cyan
            else {
                Write-Host "   Succsessfully!" -ForegroundColor Green
        else {
            Write-Host "   Error! Path does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red
else {
    Write-Host "Unused Network Adapters not be found." -ForegroundColor Yellow
于 2018-09-18T09:05:31.427 回答