I have access to a Connected Renci.SshNet.SftpClient which I use to get a sequence of the files in the sftp folder. The function used for this is


Due to the huge amount of files in the directory this takes about 7 seconds. I want to be able to keep my UI responsive using async / await and a cancellationToken.

If Renci.SshNet had a ListDirectoryAsync function that returned a Task, then this would be easy:

async Task<IEnumerable<SftpFiles> GetFiles(SftpClient connectedSftpClient, CancellationToken token)
    var listTask connectedSftpClient.ListDirectoryAsync();
    while (!token.IsCancellatinRequested && !listTask.IsCompleted)
    return await listTask;

Alas the SftpClient doesn't have an async function. The following code works, however it doesn't cancel during the download:

public async Task<IEnumerable<SftpFile>> GetFilesAsync(string folderName, CancellationToken token)
    return await Task.Run(() => GetFiles(folderName), token);

However, the SftpClient does have kind of an async functionality using the functions

public IAsyncResult BeginListDirectory(string path, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object state, Action<int> listCallback = null);
Public IEnumerable<SftpFile> EndListDirectory(IAsyncResult asyncResult);

In the article Turn IAsyncResult code into the new async and await Pattern is described how to convert an IAsyncResult into an await.

However I don't have a clue what to do with all the parameters in the BeginListdirectory and where to put the EndListDirectory. Anyone able to convert this into a Task on which I can wait with short timeouts to check the cancellation token?


1 回答 1


看起来SftpClient它不遵循标准的APM 模式:它listCallback是 Begin 方法的一个额外参数。结果,我很确定您不能使用标准FromAsync工厂方法。

但是,您可以使用TaskCompletionSource<T>. 有点尴尬,但可行:

public static Task<IEnumerable<SftpFile>> ListDirectoryAsync(this SftpClient @this, string path)
  var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IEnumerable<SftpFile>>();
  @this.BeginListDirectory(path, asyncResult =>
    catch (OperationCanceledException)
    catch (Exception ex)
  }, null);
  return tcs.Task;



于 2015-07-02T19:58:39.483 回答