Recently we upgraded to 1.4 and now I'm having a problem with the way this hover directive works.

Previously working code:

    .module('tagHoverDirective', []).controller('TagsHover', TagsHover)
    .directive('tagsHover', directive);

function directive () {
    var directive = {
        templateUrl : "popovers/tagsPopovers/tagsHover.html",
        restrict: "E",
        replace: true,
        bindToController: true,
        controller: TagsHover
        link: link,
        scope: {
    return directive;
    function link(scope, element, attrs) {}

TagsHover.$inject = [

function TagsHover(
    $timeout) {

Now 1.4 forces us to use the Controller as syntax, I had to change up the function directive () part to this:

function directive () {
    var directive = {
        templateUrl : "popovers/tagsPopovers/tagsHover.html",
        restrict: "E",
        replace: true,
        bindToController: true,
        controller: 'TagsHover as tgh',
        link: link,
        scope: {
    return directive;
    function link(scope, element, attrs) {}

Now the ng-show in the markup no longer works, but how do I fix it? I'm not using tgh or this, I'm actually using the tag object that is getting passed into this directive to set the visibility.

<div class="tags-hover-container" ng-show="tag.tagsHoverDisplay">

1 回答 1


实际上,当您公开 controllerAs 时,您会将“as”部分绑定到范围。

所以 $scope.anything 变成了“as”.anything。


controller: 'TagsHover as tgh',

这意味着您将 $scope/this 绑定到对象 tgh。所以 scope.tag 变成 tgh.tag


<div class="tags-hover-container" ng-show="tgh.tag.tagsHoverDisplay">
于 2015-06-29T19:04:06.180 回答