我正在尝试使用命令在 OpenShift 上创建自定义墨盒应用程序rhc -d create-app liferay htt....。出现错误,但我不知道在哪里可以找到更具体的信息。这个错误是什么意思,我该如何解决?

Creating application 'liferay' ... DEBUG: Creating application 'liferay' with these options - {:cartridges=>[#<RHC::Rest::Cartridge:0x007ff8f9354e00 @attributes={"url"=>"http...", "messages"=>[]}, @client=nil>]}
DEBUG: Adding application liferay to domain 546b3528ecb8d480bb000012
DEBUG: Using token authentication
DEBUG: Request POST https:...openshift.redhat.com/broker/rest/domain/catapp/applications
DEBUG:    code 500 267521 ms

Unable to complete the requested operation due to: An invalid exit code (1) was returned from the server ex-std-node192.prod.rhcloud.com.  This indicates an unexpected
problem during the execution of your request.
Reference ID: 4f4141b703879dd93b88b271f553ec1b

1 回答 1



HTTP_DEBUG=1 rhc -d create-app liferay htt....

于 2015-06-29T21:18:18.323 回答