I have around 100-120 jobs in one of the view called "Gradle Deploys" that I created in Jenkins. How can I disable all the jobs from Jenkins only from a given View / tab.
I tried the following groovy syntax to first just show all the jobs in a given view but it errors out.
jenkins = Hudson.instance
//The following works actually but gives a lot of info.
//println "----" + jenkins.instance.getView("Gradle Deploys").items
println "----" + jenkins.instance.getView("Gradle Deploys").items.each.getItems().print(it)
Once I get the list of just job names in a given view, I just have to use ".disable()" function in the above command and it'll work.
If I use the following code, it does what I want, but I'm looking for a one liner.
for (item in jenkins.instance.getView("Gradle Deploys").items) {
println("\nJob: $item.name")