alertify.prompt('Please enter your comments', 'some value',
function(evt, value){ alertify.message('You entered: ' + value);}
alertify.confirm("Are you sure you want to submit data for selected date range ?", function (e) {
alertify.prompt('Please enter Desc:').set('type', 'text');
alertify.prompt('This is a prompt dialog!', '', function(evt, value){
alertify.message('You entered: ' + value);
//fetch user input value here and pass in URL
var user_value = value;
if (e) {
alertify.success("Data has been submitted");
$("#frm_submit").serialize()+ "&res_ids="+res_ids,
function( data ) {
window.location.href='<?php echo SITE_URL."someurl/action?project_id=".$_GET['project_id']."&action=submit"; ?>';
} else {
alertify.error("Your data is not submitted");
Error: fn must be a function
..."!=typeof c&&"function"!=typeof c)throw new Error("fn must be a function");retur...
在提交表单之前,我如何允许用户在 textarea 中输入、获取该值并将其传递到 URL 中?
版本 -v0.3.11