这是一个非常简单的 Python 机器人示例,您可以在您的 PC 上运行它而无需服务器。
import requests
import json
from time import sleep
# This will mark the last update we've checked
last_update = 0
# Here, insert the token BotFather gave you for your bot.
# This is the url for communicating with your bot
url = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot%s/' % token
# We want to keep checking for updates. So this must be a never ending loop
while True:
# My chat is up and running, I need to maintain it! Get me all chat updates
get_updates = json.loads(requests.get(url + 'getUpdates').content)
# Ok, I've got 'em. Let's iterate through each one
for update in get_updates['result']:
# First make sure I haven't read this update yet
if last_update < update['update_id']:
last_update = update['update_id']
# I've got a new update. Let's see what it is.
if 'message' in update:
# It's a message! Let's send it back :D
requests.get(url + 'sendMessage', params=dict(chat_id=update['message']['chat']['id'], text=update['message']['text']))
# Let's wait a few seconds for new updates