我正在尝试使用 CSV 中的 PowerShell 和 Excel ComObject 创建自定义表(就像单击 excel 栏中的“格式为表”一样)
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$Excel.visible = $true
$Excel.sheetsInNewWorkbook = $csvFiles.Count
$workbooks = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
$worksheets = $workbooks.worksheets
$CSVFullPath = C:\temp.csv
$worksheet = $worksheets.Item(1)
$worksheet.Name = "Temp"
$TxtConnector = ("TEXT;" + $CSVFullPath)
$CellRef = $worksheet.Range("A1")
$Connector = $worksheet.QueryTables.add($TxtConnector,$CellRef)
$worksheet.QueryTables.item($Connector.name).TextFileCommaDelimiter = $True
$worksheet.QueryTables.item($Connector.name).TextFileParseType = 1
## So Far So good - CSV Imported ##
## My Problem Starts here... ##
$listObject = $worksheet.ListObjects.Add([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlListObjectSourceType]::xlSrcRange, $worksheet.UsedRange, $null),[Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlYesNoGuess]::xlYes,$null)
## Then I Received the following error: ##
Exception calling "Add" with "5" argument(s): "A table cannot overlap a range that contains a PivotTable report, query
results, protected cells or another table."
At line:1 char:41
+ $ListObject = $WorkSheet.ListObjects.Add <<<< ([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlListObjectSourceType]::xlSrcRange,$R
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ComMethodTargetInvocation