当我调试一个简单的 rails 应用程序时(只运行脚手架命令)。Rubymine 在调试器窗口中不显示任何变量。我已经在 Rubymine 上安装了 ruby​​-debug-ide 0.4.30, debase 0.1.3 gems,我正在使用 ubuntu 14.04, ruby​​ 2.2, rails 4.2.2, rbenv, ruby​​mine 7.1。

提前致谢。 导轨应用


更新:问题解决了!!只需注释掉'byebug' gem。


1 回答 1


To help you here are some steps to follow in order to debug in your rubyMine.

First Install dubug gems localy:

  1. Download the following gems:

  2. Place the downloaded gems into a file called gems

  3. Open Ruby cmd consol [clic on start button, select Ruby then select Start command prompt with Ruby]
  4. Cd to the gems file path [lets supose the path of your gems file is C:\Desktop\gems] write the command: cd C:\Desktop\gems then clic enter.
  5. To install the first gem run the following comand: gem install --local debugger-ruby_core_source-1.3.8.gem
  6. To install the second gem run the following comand: gem install --local ruby-debug-base19x-0.11.30.pre15.gem
  7. Restart RubyMine and test if it works now

Second try the exact same steps with Ruby 1.9 version instead of 2.2

Now if that doeasnt work with the 2.2 Ruby version try it with the version 1.9. and hopefuly it will work for you because it did with me.

于 2015-06-26T10:37:36.670 回答