我一直在运行许多以这种方式分解长字符串的 Perl 代码:

my $string = "Hi, I am a very long and chatty string that just won't";
$string .= " quit.  I'm going to keep going, and going, and going,";
$string .= " kind of like the Energizer bunny.  What are you going to";
$string .= " do about it?";

根据我的 Java 背景,构建这样的字符串将是性能禁忌。Perl 也一样吗?在我的搜索中,我读到join在字符串数组上使用是连接字符串的最快方法,但是当您只想分解字符串以提高可读性时呢?是不是写得更好:

my $string = "Hi, I am a very long and chatty string that just won't" .
    " quit.  I'm going to keep going, and going, and going," .
    " kind of like the Energizer bunny.  What are you going to" .
    " do about it?";



7 回答 7


骆驼书,第 598 页

更喜欢 join("", . ..) 而不是一系列连接的字符串。多个连接可能会导致字符串来回复制多次。连接运算符避免了这种情况。

于 2010-06-23T18:46:14.627 回答


print "this is",
    " perfectly legal",
    " because print will happily",
    " take a list and send all the",
    " strings to the output stream\n";

die "this is also",
    " perfectly acceptable";

use Log::Log4perl :easy; use Data::Dumper;
INFO("and this is just fine",
    " as well");

INFO(sub {
    local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 1;
    "also note that many libraries will",
    " accept subrefs, in which you",
    " can perform operations which",
    " return a list of strings...",
于 2010-06-23T21:06:27.867 回答



use warnings;
use strict;

use Benchmark qw(cmpthese timethese);

my $bench = timethese($ARGV[1], {

  multi_concat => sub {
    my $string = "Hi, I am a very long and chatty string that just won't";
    $string .= " quit.  I'm going to keep going, and going, and going,";
    $string .= " kind of like the Energizer bunny.  What are you going to";
    $string .= " do about it?";

  one_concat => sub {
    my $string = "Hi, I am a very long and chatty string that just won't" .
    " quit.  I'm going to keep going, and going, and going," .
    " kind of like the Energizer bunny.  What are you going to" .
    " do about it?";

  join => sub {
    my $string = join("", "Hi, I am a very long and chatty string that just won't",
    " quit.  I'm going to keep going, and going, and going,",
    " kind of like the Energizer bunny.  What are you going to",
    " do about it?"

} );

cmpthese $bench;


结果(在我的带有 Perl 5.8.9 的 iMac 上):

imac:Benchmarks seb$ ./strings.pl 1000
Benchmark: running join, multi_concat, one_concat for at least 3 CPU seconds...
      join:  2 wallclock secs ( 3.13 usr +  0.01 sys =  3.14 CPU) @ 3235869.43/s (n=10160630)
multi_concat:  3 wallclock secs ( 3.20 usr + -0.01 sys =  3.19 CPU) @ 3094491.85/s (n=9871429)
one_concat:  2 wallclock secs ( 3.43 usr +  0.01 sys =  3.44 CPU) @ 12602343.60/s (n=43352062)
                   Rate multi_concat         join   one_concat
multi_concat  3094492/s           --          -4%         -75%
join          3235869/s           5%           --         -74%
one_concat   12602344/s         307%         289%           --
于 2010-06-23T23:56:37.967 回答




于 2010-06-23T20:12:44.420 回答


4 strings:
          Rate   .= join    .
.=   2538071/s   --  -4% -18%
join 2645503/s   4%   -- -15%
.    3105590/s  22%  17%   --
1_000 strings:
         Rate join   .=
join 152439/s   -- -40%
.=   253807/s  66%   --


这是一般情况;正如sebthebert 的回答所表明的那样,.它比常量串联的情况要快得多.=,我很想将其视为一项规则。

(顺便说一句,基准基本上是显而易见的形式,我不想在这里重复代码。唯一令人惊讶的是创建初始字符串 from<DATA>以防止常量折叠。)


于 2010-06-24T04:01:49.507 回答

使用您更喜欢的一个;这些性能在 perl 中完全相同。Perl 字符串与 Java 字符串不同,可以就地修改。

于 2010-06-23T18:41:31.643 回答


my $string = "Hi, I am a very long and  chatty string that just won't
 quit.   I'm going to keep going, and going,  and going,
 kind of like the Energizer  bunny.  What are you going to
 do  about it?"; 
于 2010-06-23T20:59:58.737 回答