I'm using Faker in order to seed a database, I'm doing this using faker methods and lodash#random
Data generation is inside a loop, but on every execution is producing whole duplicates, how can I avoid it?
faker.locale = "es";
var leagueTeams = [{ "name" : "Perú","id" : "t834"},{"name" : "Venezuela","id" : "t833"},{"name" : "Argentina","id" : "t632"},{"name" : "Uruguay","id" : "t837"},{"name" : "Colombia","id" : "t832"},{"name" : "Bolivia","id" : "t836"},{"name" : "Jamaica","id" : "t1723"},{"name" : "Brazil","id" : "t614"},{"name" : "Mexico","id" : "t659"},{"name" : "Ecuador","id" : "t830"},{"name" : "Chile","id" : "t831"},{"name" : "Paraguay","id" : "t835"}]
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var fakeName = faker.name.findName();
var fakeEmail = faker.internet.email();
var fakePassword = faker.internet.password();
var fakeTeam = faker.hacker.phrase();
var fakeTeamImage = faker.image.imageUrl();
var fakeFavoriteTeam = leagueTeams[_.random(0,11)];
var fakeBirthday = faker.date.past();
// Create account
request.post( {url:'http://localhost:1337/api/v1/auths/login',
form: {
email: fakeEmail,
password: fakePassword,
function (err, httpResponse, body) {
body = JSON.parse(body);
var iduser = body.user.id;
var auth = "Bearer " + body.token;
// Create team
url: 'http://localhost:1337/api/v1/users/' + iduser,
form: {
name: fakeName,
gender: ['male','female'][i%2],
team: {name: fakeTeam, image: fakeTeamImage},
fanOf: {
name: fakeFavoriteTeam.name,
id: fakeFavoriteTeam.id
birthDate: fakeBirthday,
iduser: iduser
headers: {"Authorization": auth}
function (err, httpResponse, body) {
So whole faker methods like faker.internet.findName()
, faker.hacker.phrase()
or the statement using lodash var fakeFavoriteTeam = leagueTeams[_.random(0,11)];
is always producing the same result, how could I improve it?