Perforce 正在将文件下载到连接到我的 MacBookPro 的外部硬盘驱动器上作为可写文件(“777”)。好像在我的工作区中设置了“allwrite”选项,但事实并非如此。
我认为 Perforce 应该将文件标记为只读,直到我检查它们。有没有我错过的地方?
修订版 P4V/MACOSX104U/2009.2/236331 MacBookPro OSX 10.5.8
您的外部硬盘驱动器是否格式化为 hfs+?如果它是 FAT32,无论如何它都会是 777。
Have you checked if Windows thinks the files are read only after syncing with the Mac client?
Perforce does not like it when you access the same disk location from two different workspaces, nor the same workspace from two different hosts. This is because the server tracks the state of the files on the client; you're begging for your local store to lose synchronization with the depot.
What are you really trying to accomplish here?
I would recommend that you forget about FAT32; put your Windows workspace on an NTFS volume and your Mac workspace on an HFS+ volume. Submit & sync to share the data. Storage is cheap.