我正在寻找一种从 Kivy 框架将设置持久存储在 android 设备上的方法。

我发现 Kivy 文档,整体信息丰富,在这个特定领域含糊不清。它提到了三种方法(抱歉,没有足够的声誉来提供 clicable 链接,提供到kivy.org的相对路径,如果有人可以修复这些链接,我会很高兴):

  1. [存储] ./docs/api-kivy.storage.html#module-kivy.storage
  2. [设置] ./docs/api-kivy.uix.settings.html
  3. [配置] ./docs/api-kivy.config.html

除此之外,我知道我可以通过 pickle 或数据库将数据存储在文件中,但我想特别使用sharedpreferences,或者至少使用任何 Android/Kivy 特定的持久存储。

  1. 但是,我找不到任何比较或解释它们有何不同以及如何使用它们。任何人都可以阐明一下,已经使用过它们了吗?

  2. 实际上,我 80% 确定这种方法都没有使用 Android 的共享首选项,因此我考虑使用 jnius (4),并且我已经尝试过(方法 1,2/3?,4),基于简单的 hello world 示例:

    from kivy.app import App
    from kivy.uix.button import Button
    import jnius  
    from kivy.config import Config  
    from kivy.storage.dictstore import DictStore  
    class MyApp(App):
        def build(self):
            path = "DEFAULT"
                path = Config.get('kivy', 'my_important_variable')  
                print "\t\t\t KIVY 1:", Config.get('kivy', 'my_important_variable')  
            except Exception as err:
                print ("KIVY, 1, error: {}".format(repr(err)))  
                store = DictStore("MY_SETTINGS")
                path = store.get("my_important_variable")
                print "\t\t\t KIVY 2:", path
            except KeyError as err:
                print ("KIVY, 2, error: {}".format(repr(err)))
                prefs_m = jnius.autoclass('android.preference.PreferenceManager')
                prefs = prefs_m.getSharedPreferences()
                path = prefs.getString("my_important_variable", None)
                print "\t\t\t KIVY 3:", path
            except jnius.jnius.JavaException as err:
                print ("KIVY, 3, error: {}".format(repr(err)))
            btn1 = Button(text=path)
            btn1.bind(on_press=app.callback) #
            return btn1
        def callback(self, instance):
            print('The button <%s> is being pressed, SAVING...' % instance.text)
                Config.set('kivy', 'my_important_variable', "my_value_1")
            except Exception as err:
                print ("KIVY, 4, error: {}".format(repr(err)))
                store = DictStore("MY_SETTINGS")
                store.put("MY_SETTINGS", my_important_variable="my_value_2")
            except Exception as err:
                print ("KIVY, 5, error: {}".format(repr(err)))
                prefs_c = jnius.autoclass('android.content.SharedPreferences')
                prefs_m = jnius.autoclass('android.preference.PreferenceManager')
                prefs = prefs_m.getSharedPreferences()
                prefs_e = prefs.Editor()
                prefs_e.putString("my_important_variable", "my_value_3")
            except Exception as err:
                print ("KIVY, 6, error: {}".format(repr(err)))
                context = jnius.autoclass('android.content.Context')
                # do I actually get context or a class here?
                prefs = context.getPreferences(0).edit();
                prefs.putString("my_important_variable", "my_value_4")
            except Exception as err:
                print ("KIVY, 7, error: {}".format(repr(err)))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        app = MyApp()


... each time app is launched 
I/python  ( 5973): KIVY, 1, error: No option 'my_important_variable' in section: 'kivy'
I/python  ( 5973): KIVY, 2, error: KeyError('my_important_variable',)
I/python  ( 5973): KIVY, 3, error: JavaException('Unable to find a None method!',)

... button pressed
I/python  ( 5973): The button <DEFAULT> is being pressed, SAVING...
I/python  ( 5973): KIVY, 6, error: JavaException('Unable to find a None method!',)
I/python  ( 5973): KIVY, 7, error: AttributeError("type object 'android.content.Context' has no attribute 'getPreferences'",)

请注意,没有调用 4、5 个“错误消息”,所以理论上它们应该可以工作,但是第二次启动我得到了同样的错误。我已经没有办法破解它了。


1 回答 1


Kivy.Config 用于存储与 App 类的实例化相关的设置。它通常在导入任何其他 kivy 模块之前放置在 Python 脚本的最顶部。此方法不是特定于平台的,但配置文件的默认路径会根据平台而变化。

from kivy.config import Config
desktop=Config.getint('kivy', 'desktop')
if desktop == 1:
    print "This app is being run on a desktop."

DictStore 是一个将字典存储到磁盘的存储类。filename 参数指定存储字典的文件的名称。调用 get 函数时,会返回一个 Python 字典。

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.storage.dictstore import DictStore

class TestApp(App):
    def build(self):
            store = DictStore(filename="MY_SETTINGS")
            dictionary = store.get("my_important_variable")
            print "\t\t\t KIVY 2: DictStore Succeeded",
        except KeyError as err:
            dictionary = {'name': 'None'}
            print ("KIVY, 2, error: {}".format(repr(err)))

        self.text = str(dictionary)
        btn1 = Button(text=self.text)
        btn1.bind(on_press=self.callback) #
        return btn1

    def callback(self, instance):
        print('The button <%s> is being pressed, SAVING...' % instance.text)
            store = DictStore(filename="MY_SETTINGS")
            store.put("my_important_variable", name="John")
        except Exception as err:
            print ("KIVY, 5, error: {}".format(repr(err)))

if __name__ == '__main__':

我将在下面提供访问共享首选项的代码。如果您有兴趣了解更多信息,请阅读http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/data-storage.htmlhttps://kivy.org/planet/2015/04/python-on%C2 %A0安卓/

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button

import jnius

class TestApp(App):
    def build(self):
            PythonActivity = jnius.autoclass('org.renpy.android.PythonActivity')
            activity = PythonActivity.mActivity
            cntxt = activity.getApplicationContext()
            prefs = cntxt.getSharedPreferences("MY_PREFS", cntxt.MODE_PRIVATE )
            print "KIVY ACQUIRED SHARED PREFS"
            myVar = prefs.getString("my_important_variable", "Default String")
            print "\tKIVY 3: Retrieved SharedPref"
        except jnius.jnius.JavaException as err:
            myVar="Error Loading Prefs."
            print ("KIVY, 3, error: {}".format(repr(err)))

        self.text = myVar
        btn1 = Button(text=self.text)
        btn1.bind(on_press=self.callback) #
        return btn1

    def callback(self, instance):
        print('The button <%s> is being pressed, SAVING...' % instance.text)
            PythonActivity = jnius.autoclass('org.renpy.android.PythonActivity')
            activity = PythonActivity.mActivity
            cntxt = activity.getApplicationContext()
            prefs = cntxt.getSharedPreferences("MY_PREFS", cntxt.MODE_PRIVATE)
            editor = prefs.edit()
            editor.putString("my_important_variable", "This is important!")
            print "\tKIVY: Added string <This is important!> to shared prefs."
        except Exception as err:
            print ("\tKIVY, 6, error: {}".format(repr(err)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
于 2016-01-14T04:08:49.563 回答