我有一个 Windows 7 应用程序,它使用Stollmann SDK成功地将 PC 与 Android 绑定。蓝牙 MAC 地址、哈希和随机器的双向交换通过 NFC在带外进行:


遗憾的是,Windows 应用程序的源代码无法在此处共享。在 Android 端,不需要任何应用程序,一旦收到 NDEF 消息,操作系统(由HandoverManager ?)执行安全简单配对application/vnd.bluetooth.ep.oob

现在我正在尝试创建一个 Android 应用程序,它将使用单向身份验证通过扫描的 QR 码(而不是 NFC)执行 OOB 配对。

自定义二维码将显示在 PC 屏幕上(由ZXing.Net生成)并包含蓝牙 MAC 地址、哈希和随机数。

然而,OOB 绑定似乎尚未在 Android 中实现 -


 * Read the local Out of Band Pairing Data
 * <p>Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH}
 * @return Pair<byte[], byte[]> of Hash and Randomizer
 * @hide
public Pair<byte[], byte[]> readOutOfBandData() {
    if (getState() != STATE_ON) return null;
    try {
        byte[] hash;
        byte[] randomizer;

        byte[] ret = mService.readOutOfBandData();

        if (ret  == null || ret.length != 32) return null;

        hash = Arrays.copyOfRange(ret, 0, 16);
        randomizer = Arrays.copyOfRange(ret, 16, 32);

        if (DBG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "readOutOfBandData:" + Arrays.toString(hash) +
              ":" + Arrays.toString(randomizer));
        return new Pair<byte[], byte[]>(hash, randomizer);

    } catch (RemoteException e) {Log.e(TAG, "", e);}*/
    return null;


 * Start the bonding (pairing) process with the remote device using the
 * Out Of Band mechanism.
 * <p>This is an asynchronous call, it will return immediately. Register
 * for {@link #ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED} intents to be notified when
 * the bonding process completes, and its result.
 * <p>Android system services will handle the necessary user interactions
 * to confirm and complete the bonding process.
 * <p>Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH_ADMIN}.
 * @param hash - Simple Secure pairing hash
 * @param randomizer - The random key obtained using OOB
 * @return false on immediate error, true if bonding will begin
 * @hide
public boolean createBondOutOfBand(byte[] hash, byte[] randomizer) {
    try {
        return sService.createBondOutOfBand(this, hash, randomizer);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {Log.e(TAG, "", e);}*/
    return false;

 * Set the Out Of Band data for a remote device to be used later
 * in the pairing mechanism. Users can obtain this data through other
 * trusted channels
 * <p>Requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH_ADMIN}.
 * @param hash Simple Secure pairing hash
 * @param randomizer The random key obtained using OOB
 * @return false on error; true otherwise
 * @hide
public boolean setDeviceOutOfBandData(byte[] hash, byte[] randomizer) {
  try {
    return sService.setDeviceOutOfBandData(this, hash, randomizer);
  } catch (RemoteException e) {Log.e(TAG, "", e);} */
  return false;


由于 OOB 蓝牙配对在 Android 上的 NFC 上运行良好 - 你认为有一种(hackish)方法可以通过 QR 码来做同样的事情吗?

也许(疯狂的想法)通过HandoverManager提供虚假的 NDEF 消息?


1 回答 1


当 NFC 服务应用检测到 NFC 标签时,您无法伪造实际发布的 NFC 广播。由于这是一个受保护的广播,非系统应用程序无法广播意图。

于 2015-06-24T16:28:54.417 回答