我正在使用 Scala Test 来测试我的服务层。我正在努力在我的测试中获得服务类的实例。我的测试类如下
class SmsServiceSpec extends BaseSpec with OneAppPerSuite with ScalaFutures {
implicit override lazy val app: FakeApplication = FakeApplication()
"SMS Service" must {
"able to send SMS" in {
val smsService = //not sure how to get instance of class here => app.injector.getInstance[SmsService]
whenReady(smsService.sendSms("9XXXXXXX", "This is test message")) { res =>
res mustBe true
class SmsServiceSpec extends BaseSpec with OneAppPerSuite with ScalaFutures {
"SMS Service" must {
"able to send SMS" in {
@Inject val smsService: SmsService = null //not sure how to get instance of class here => app.injector.getInstance[SmsService]
whenReady(smsService.sendSms("98XXXXXX", "This is test message")) { res =>
res mustBe true
我不确定如何在上面的代码中获取 SMS 服务的实例。