嗨 elan 我在我的项目中遇到了同样的问题,我找到了解决方案
if (api.Docusign_download(strDocuSignUserName, strDocuSignPassword, strDocuSignIntegratorKey, EnvelopeID, Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%temp%")) == true)
if (m_streamWriter1 != null)
m_streamWriter1.WriteLine(" This envelop id is Downloaded and update the table" + EnvelopeID + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "\n");
fpath1 = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%temp%") + '\\' + EnvelopeID + '1' + ".pdf";
fpath2 = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%temp%") + '\\' + EnvelopeID + '2' + ".pdf";
if (System.IO.File.Exists(fpath1))
fso = new FileSystemObject();
// fso.CopyFile(fileLoc, "\\\\Tech-Pro-01\\D\\", true); i download the file in temp folder and copy file to unc path ur expected work on reverse like access file to unc path he does not work directly but work in in direct access like temp folder to services
fso.CopyFile(fpath1, UNC, true);
fso.CopyFile(fpath2, UNC, true);
fso.DeleteFile(fpath1, true);
fso.DeleteFile(fpath2, true);
//System.IO.File.Move(fileLoc, fileLocMove);
我只是在 vb fso 文件系统对象中使用旧应用程序脚本
1,确保您在 iuser 中的映射路径访问和网络服务访问启用映射提供的机器 2,添加参考系统脚本
3,和 unc 路径示例 \computername\sharedname\folder\filename 4,只需 fso.copyfile(uncpath,tempfoler,true) 5,您访问临时文件夹中的文件,他可以访问并且工作完美
临时文件夹访问“c:\windows\temp,因为进程只能获取 Windows 临时文件夹
jagadeesh Govindaraj Pillai jagadeesh1492@facebook.com