I'm using Cloudify 2.7 with OpenStack Icehouse, for a production environment.

I would like to have High Availability of Cloudify Manager, so that the state of the deployed applications can be saved and restored in case of problems.

Which of the following solutions is the correct?

1) Create 2 Cloudify Managers, in each of them set a persistencePath property in the cloud configuration file;

2) Create 2 Cloudify Managers, without setting a persistencePath property in the cloud configuration file;

3) Create 1 Cloudify Manager, with a persistencePath property in the cloud configuration file

Could I execute, by means of a bash script into the Cloudify Manager, the Cloudify command that saves the state of the deployed applications (I mean, the command that corresponds to the shutdown-managers) using a cron task ?



1 回答 1


选项 1 是一个糟糕的选项,并且不受支持(请注意,Cloudify 2.7 根本不受支持 - 它已达到使用寿命)。

2和3都是不错的选择。2 为您提供高可用性,3 为您提供经理恢复。

没有保存管理器状态的命令 - 每次发生更改时都会保存状态(并持久化到 persistencePath 目录)

于 2015-06-23T06:14:36.880 回答