我目前正在从事一个项目,该项目涉及获取模拟读数,并将它们实时映射到图表上。所以为了完成这个,我通过一个 Arduino 模拟端口运行一个光电阻,并通过 python 3.4.3 读取该数据。在 python 方面,我安装了 maplotlib 和 drawow。如下所示的代码将绘制电阻器将读取的第一个数据标记,但不会实时更新它。但是,如果我更改电阻然后重新启动程序,它将不断绘制新值。我想要它做的是在更改光敏电阻值时更改图表上的值。
import serial # import from pySerial
import numpy # import library from Numerical python
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import Library from matplotlib
from drawnow import drawnow # import lib from drawnow
ConF = [] # create an empty array for graphing
ArduinoData = serial.Serial('com3',9600) # set up serial connection with arduino
plt.ion() # tell matplotlib you want interactive mode to plot data
cnt = 0
def makeFig(): # creat a function to make plot
plt.plot(ConF, 'go-')
while True: # loop that lasts forever
while (ArduinoData.inWaiting()==0): # wait till there is data to plot
pass # do nothing
arduinoString = ArduinoData.readline()
dataArray = arduinoString
Con = float(arduinoString) # turn string into numbers
ConF.append(Con) # addinf to the array.
drawnow(makeFig) # call draw now to update