我有一个点列表,必须进行侵蚀/膨胀操作。我需要一种二维数组,但在 VisualWorks 中找不到方法(我知道 Squeak 中有一个 Array2d 类,但我必须使用 VW)。
4378 次
5 回答
许多 Smalltalk 实现将具有某种 Matrix 类,有时会进行优化,该类将具有诸如 #rowAt:columnAt: (或为简洁起见 #at:at:) 之类的方法。
在 GNU Smalltalk 中,它位于包 DhbNumericalMethods 中。不过现在还没有优化。
于 2010-06-23T00:33:23.960 回答
(Array new: xSize)
at: 1 put: ((Array new: ySize) at: 1 put: aValue; at: 2 put: aValue; ...);
at: 2 put: ((Array new: ySize) at: 1 put: aValue; at: 2 put: aValue; ...);
于 2010-06-22T18:31:10.853 回答
如果您希望操作高效,请研究 VisualWorks Image 类,协议“图像处理”和“位处理”。基于那里的图元构建您自己的腐蚀/膨胀操作。
于 2010-06-22T23:48:11.190 回答
这是在 Squeak 中处理二维数组的另一种方法(我使用的是 4.2 版)。
test := Matrix new: 3. "this defines a 3 x 3 array"
test at: 1 at: 1 put: 5.
test at: 1 at: 2 put: 6.
test at: 1 at: 3 put: 7.
等等等等。AFAIK 你只能用这种方式做二维数组,它们必须是方阵。这对于我儿子和我正在开发的数独游戏 ymmv 的项目非常有效。干杯!
于 2013-01-30T18:29:20.817 回答
Array subclass: Array2D
instanceVariableNames: 'myRows myColumns'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Basic Data Structures'
"I am a two-dimensional array of arbitrary objects.
[Privately, I am really a linear (one-dimensional) array.
I locate my elements internally by index arithmetic on their
(two-dimensional) coordinates.]"
Instance creation (class)
new: nRows by: nColumns
"Create a new instance of me with nRows rows and nColumns
^(super new: (nRows * nColumns))
withRows: nRows withColumns: nColumns
"exampleArray := Array2D new: 10 by: 5"
withRows: nRows withColumns: nColumns
"Set my number of rows and columns to nRows and nColumns,
myRows := nRows.
myColumns := nColumns
"My number of rows."
"My number of columns."
Element access
atRow: whichRow atColumn: whichColumn
"My element at row whichRow and column whichColumn."
^super at: (self indexAtRow: whichRow
atColumn: whichColumn)
"exampleValue := exampleArray atRow: 6 atColumn: 4"
atRow: whichRow atColumn: whichColumn put: newValue
"Store value newValue as my element at row whichRow and
column whichColumn."
super at: (self indexAtRow: whichRow
atColumn: whichColumn)
put: newValue
"exampleArray atRow: 6 atColumn: 4 put: exampleValue"
indexAtRow: whichRow atColumn: whichColumn
"The internal index at which I store my element at row
whichRow and column whichColumn.
^((whichRow - 1) * myColumns) + whichColumn
于 2021-05-08T22:15:31.610 回答