我已使用以下 SO 帖子中的信息使我的 C++ 桌面应用程序中的图片控件的父级成为我的 C# 应用程序中的面板控件的子级。C++ 和 C# 应用程序是在各自进程中运行的独立应用程序:
我正在使用下面显示的代码进行重新育儿。C# 应用程序启动 C++ 应用程序,并在命令行上将 Panel 控件的 Windows 句柄传递给它,该控件应承载 C++ 应用程序的 Picture 控件。当我运行 C# 应用程序时,我确实在 C# 应用程序本机的指定面板控件上看到了 C++ 图片控件的轮廓。
1) C++ 和 C# 应用程序都非常闪烁,就像它们都在每秒重新绘制多次一样。
2) C++ 应用程序中的图片控件通常显示来自我的网络摄像头的视频源。我 BitBlt() 将网络摄像头中的帧放入 C++ 图片控件中。没有重新养育它可以正常工作,但是有了它,我根本看不到任何框架。
有谁知道出了什么问题以及我该如何解决?这是 C++ 应用程序中的代码,它执行重新父级处理并将 C++ 主输入线程(拥有图片控件的线程)附加到属于 C# 应用程序主线程的输入线程(拥有的线程面板控制):
// The following code executes in the wWinMain() function of the C++
// app after the main dialog window and it's child controls have been
// setup and initialized. The value assigned to g_VideoHostContainerHWnd
// was passed to the C++ app by the C# app that launched it, as a
// command line argument, using the Panel control's Handle property
// converted to an unsigned integer.
g_OurMainThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId();
if (g_VideoHostContainerHWnd > 0)
// Make our video stream window a parent of the designated window
// in the HiveMind client.
// Get the window handle for the video stream window: IDC_PANEL_PICTURE.
HWND videoStreamWindow =
if (videoStreamWindow > 0)
// Get the thread ID for the thread that owns the video host container window.
g_VideoHostThreadID = GetWindowThreadProcessId(
if (g_VideoHostThreadID > 0)
// Make the video stream window a child of the HiveMindClient window.
if (NULL == SetParent(videoStreamWindow, g_VideoHostContainerHWnd))
OutputDebugString(L"The reparenting of the video stream window FAILED.");
OutputDebugString(L"The reparenting of the video stream window SUCCEEDED.");
// Attach the our input thread to the thread ID for the process that launched us
// (i.e. - owns the video host window).
if (AttachThreadInput(g_OurMainThreadID, g_VideoHostThreadID, true))
OutputDebugString(L"Attaching our input thread to the video host thread SUCCEEDED.");
OutputDebugString(L"Attaching our input thread to the video host thread FAILED.");
OutputDebugString(L"The thread ID of the video host container's owner thread is ZERO.");
} // else - if (g_VideoHostThreadID > 0)
OutputDebugString(L"The video stream window handle is INVALID.");
} // if (g_VideoHostContainerHWnd > 0)