
在一个控制器中设置xxx属性和迭代#each是可行的,而看似相同的操作yyy #each却没有......


App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  xxx : [{name:"a"}, {name:"b"}], // this works just fine

{{#each item in xxx}}

App.ColorController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  yyy : [{name:"c"}, {name:"d"}], // this triggers deprecation
  // You attempted to access `yyy` from ...
  // But object proxying is deprecated. Please use `model.yyy` instead

{{#each item in yyy}}

App = Ember.Application.create();

    App.Color = DS.Model.extend({
      name: DS.attr('string')
    App.Router.map(function() {
      this.resource('color', function(){
        this.route('show', { path: ':color_id' });

    App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
      model: function() {
        return [
                { id: 1, name: "Red" },
                { id: 2, name: "Blue" },

    App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
      xxx : [{name:"a"}, {name:"b"}], // this works just fine

    App.ColorController = Ember.Controller.extend({
      init : function() {
        console.info("Just to double check, this controller gets initialised");
      yyy : [{name:"c"}, {name:"d"}], // this triggers deprecation
      // You attempted to access `yyy` from ...
      // But object proxying is deprecated. Please use `model.yyy` instead
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
    <h2>Ember Starter Kit</h2>
  <script type="text/x-handlebars" id="index">
      {{#each color in model}}
        <li>{{#link-to "color.show" color}} {{color.name}} {{/link-to}}</li>
      {{#each item in xxx}}

  <script type="text/x-handlebars" id="color/show">
    <h4>{{ model.name }}</h4>
      {{#each item in yyy}}
    {{#link-to "application"}}Go back to the list{{/link-to}}
  <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <script src="http://builds.emberjs.com/tags/v1.13.2/ember.debug.js"></script>
  <script src="http://builds.emberjs.com/tags/v1.13.2/ember-template-compiler.js"></script>
  <script src="http://builds.emberjs.com/tags/v1.13.2/ember-data.js"></script>


  • 为什么它在一种情况下有效而在另一种情况下无效?
  • Ember 的修复方法是什么?




1 回答 1


好的,正如我所料 - 问题在于命名约定和过去的遗物(ObjectController)。声明ColorController为模型创建控制器,而不是路由。您需要在这里控制器进行路由,因此更改ColorControllerColorShowController解决问题和值渲染。弃用消失了。

App = Ember.Application.create();

    App.Color = DS.Model.extend({
      name: DS.attr('string')
    App.Router.map(function() {
      this.resource('color', function(){
        this.route('show', { path: ':color_id' });

    App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
      model: function() {
        return [
                { id: 1, name: "Red" },
                { id: 2, name: "Blue" },

    App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
      xxx : [{name:"a"}, {name:"b"}], // this works just fine

    App.ColorShowController = Ember.Controller.extend({
      init : function() {
        console.info("Just to double check, this controller gets initialised");
      yyy : [{name:"c"}, {name:"d"}], // this triggers deprecation
      // You attempted to access `yyy` from ...
      // But object proxying is deprecated. Please use `model.yyy` instead
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
    <h2>Ember Starter Kit</h2>
  <script type="text/x-handlebars" id="index">
      {{#each color in model}}
        <li>{{#link-to "color.show" color}} {{color.name}} {{/link-to}}</li>
      {{#each item in xxx}}

  <script type="text/x-handlebars" id="color/show">
    <h4>{{ model.name }}</h4>
      {{#each item in yyy}}
    {{#link-to "application"}}Go back to the list{{/link-to}}
  <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <script src="http://builds.emberjs.com/tags/v1.13.2/ember.debug.js"></script>
  <script src="http://builds.emberjs.com/tags/v1.13.2/ember-template-compiler.js"></script>
  <script src="http://builds.emberjs.com/tags/v1.13.2/ember-data.js"></script>

于 2015-06-20T11:24:03.393 回答