我有以下读卡器 HID Omnikey 5325。我有一张名为 HIS Proximity 的非接触式卡。
这张卡上写的号码是 1 33593 42101044091-3。
通过读取卡片,我得到以下 ATR 十六进制:3B050002F10673
/// <summary>
/// Extract a data item from the Wiegand raw data. The data item usually is something like a card
/// number or facility code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="format"></param>
/// <param name="identifier"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int getData(int format, int identifier)
int byteOffset = 0;
if (m_rawWiegandData == null)
throw new Exception("no raw Wiegand data available");
byte[] testData_H10301 = {0x02,0x02,0x00,0x7a}; //CN=61, FC=1
byteOffset = 0;
int bitOffset = 1; // starting to count from right
int numberOfBits = 16;
int cn_h10301 = CardHex.FromByteArray(testData_H10301, byteOffset, bitOffset, numberOfBits);
if (cn_h10301 != 61) throw new Exception("CardHex::FromArray(): System integrity error.");
if (format == PacsDataFormat.HID_H10301 && identifier == PacsDataIdentifier.CARD_NUMBER) return CardHex.FromByteArray(m_rawWiegandData, byteOffset, 1, 16);
//if (format == PacsDataFormat.HID_H10301 && identifier == PacsDataIdentifier.CARD_NUMBER) return CardHex.FromByteArray(m_rawWiegandData, byteOffset, 15, 16); //assuming 4-byte input, 6 leading 0 bits
if (format == PacsDataFormat.HID_H10301 && identifier == PacsDataIdentifier.FACILITY_CODE) return CardHex.FromByteArray(m_rawWiegandData, byteOffset, 17, 8);
//if (format == PacsDataFormat.HID_H10301 && identifier == PacsDataIdentifier.FACILITY_CODE) return CardHex.FromByteArray(m_rawWiegandData, byteOffset, 1, 8);
if (format == PacsDataFormat.HID_H10302 && identifier == PacsDataIdentifier.CARD_NUMBER) return CardHex.FromByteArray(m_rawWiegandData, byteOffset, 1, 24);
if (format == PacsDataFormat.HID_H10304 && identifier == PacsDataIdentifier.CARD_NUMBER) return CardHex.FromByteArray(m_rawWiegandData, byteOffset, 1, 19);
if (format == PacsDataFormat.HID_H10304 && identifier == PacsDataIdentifier.FACILITY_CODE) return CardHex.FromByteArray(m_rawWiegandData, byteOffset, 20, 16);
if (format == PacsDataFormat.HID_H10320 && identifier == PacsDataIdentifier.CARD_NUMBER)
long result = 0;
// convert BCD encoded raw Wiegand skipping the least significant nibble
//TODO: create new method in CardHex to convert from BCD to int
for (int k = 0; k < m_rawWiegandData.Length; k++)
int high = (int)(m_rawWiegandData[k] >> 4);
int low = (int)(m_rawWiegandData[k] & 0x0F);
result *= 10;
result += high;
if (k < m_rawWiegandData.Length - 1) // skip last digit i.e. nibble
result *= 10;
result += low;
return (int)result;
// H10320 CN=12345678 dec= 101111000110000101001110
// ATR_HIST(5125)=100100011010001010110011110001100
// H10320 CN=1 dec = 1
// ATR_HIST(5125)=10101
// H10320 CN=99999999 dec = 101111101011110000011111111 1
// ATR_HIST(5125)=100110011001100110011001100110010100
if (format == PacsDataFormat.HID_CORP1000 && identifier == PacsDataIdentifier.CARD_NUMBER) return CardHex.FromByteArray(m_rawWiegandData, byteOffset, 1, 20);
if (format == PacsDataFormat.HID_CORP1000 && identifier == PacsDataIdentifier.FACILITY_CODE) return CardHex.FromByteArray(m_rawWiegandData, byteOffset, 21, 12);
return 0;
public static class PacsDataFormat
public const int UNKNOWN = 0;
public const int HID_H10301 = 1; // 26-bit, FAC,CN
public const int HID_H10302 = 2; // 37-bit, CN
public const int HID_H10304 = 3;
public const int HID_H10320 = 4; // 32-bit, Clock-and-Data card; CN is BCD encoded
public const int HID_CORP1000 = 5; // 35-bit, CIC,CN
public const int INDALA_FLEXPASS26 = 6; // 26-bit, FAC,CN
public static class PacsDataIdentifier
public const int UNKNOWN = 0;
public const int WEIGAND_RAW = 1; // raw Weigand data
public const int CARD_NUMBER = 2; // card number as printed on card
public const int FACILITY_CODE = 3; // facility code
public const int CIC = 4; // CIC
我无法弄清楚 FromByteArray 函数。我在第 69 页找到了描述:http: //www.intraproc.com/downloads/Fargo/HDP5000%20OLD/Omnikey%20CardMan%205121/Manuals/ok_contactless_developer_guide_an_en.pdf
编辑:解决方案由于@Chris Haas,我创建了与代码一起使用的 FromByteArray 函数
/// call example: FromByteArray(atrByteArray, byteOffset: 0, int bitOffset: 1, int numberOfBits: 16)
/// call example: FromByteArray(atrByteArray, byteOffset: 0, int bitOffset: 17, int numberOfBits: 8)
public static long FromByteArray(byte[] atrByteArray, int byteOffset, int bitOffset, int numberOfBits)
var hexString = ByteArrayToString(atrByteArray);
var start_number = Int64.Parse( hexString, NumberStyles.HexNumber );
Int64 a_26_only = start_number & 0x3FFFFFF; //26 bits, 11 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
Int64 result = (a_26_only >> bitOffset) & (long)(Math.Pow(2,numberOfBits)-1);
return result;
public static string ByteArrayToString(byte[] ba)
StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(ba.Length * 2);
foreach (byte b in ba)
hex.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b);
return hex.ToString();
byte[] atrByteArray = new byte[] {59, 5, 0, 2 , 241, 6, 115};
var cardNumber = FromByteArray(atrByteArray, 0, 1, 16);
var facilityCode = FromByteArray(atrByteArray, 0, 17, 8);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Card number is: {0} and facility code is: {1}", cardNumber, facilityCode));