亲爱的 Fortran 程序员,
有人知道,是否可以在 Fortran 2003 或更高版本中声明一个常量(参数)过程指针数组?
module testmod
implicit none
function funcInterface() result(res)
integer :: res
end function funcInterface
end interface
type :: ptrWrap
procedure(funcInterface), nopass, pointer :: ptr
end type ptrWrap
type(ptrWrap) :: switcher(2)
subroutine init()
switcher(1)%ptr => func1
switcher(2)%ptr => func2
end subroutine init
function callFunc(ii) result(res)
integer, intent(in) :: ii
integer :: res
res = switcher(ii)%ptr()
end function callFunc
function func1() result(res)
integer :: res
res = 1
end function func1
function func2() result(res)
integer :: res
res = 2
end function func2
end module testmod
program test
use testmod
implicit none
call init() ! I'd like to get rid of this call.
print *, callFunc(1)
print *, callFunc(2)
end program test