我有一个解析 CNC 文件的类,但是我在文件的每一行都尾随“单词”时遇到了困难。
我的代码解析所有前导“单词”,直到它到达最后一个单词。在解析“Z”值或其他 Double 类型值时最明显。我已经对其进行了足够的调试,注意到它成功地解析了数值,就像它对“X”和“Y”值所做的那样,但它似乎没有成功地将它转换为双精度值。我缺少的角色有问题吗?
If IO.File.Exists("Some GCode File.eia") Then
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader("Some GCode File.eia")
Dim i As Integer = 0
'Read text file
Do While Not sr.EndOfStream
'Get the words in the line
Dim words() As String = sr.ReadLine.Split(" ")
'iterate through each word
For i = 0 To words.Length - 1 Step 1
'iterate through each "registered" keyword. Handled earlier in program
For Each cmd As String In _registeredCmds.Keys
'if current word resembles keyword then process
If words(i) Like cmd & "*" Then
_commands.Add(i, _registeredCmds(cmd))
'Double check availability of a Type to convert to
If Not IsNothing(_commands(i).DataType) Then
'Verify enum ScopeType exists
If Not IsNothing(_commands(i).Scope) Then
'If ScopeType is modal then just set it to True. I'll fix later
If _commands(i).Scope = ScopeType.Modal Then
_commands(i).DataValue = True
'Catch errors in conversion
'Get the value of the gcode command by removing the "registered" keyword from the string
Dim strTemp As String = words(i).Remove(0, words(i).IndexOf(_commands(i).Key) + _commands(i).Key.Length)
'Save the parsed value into an Object type in another class
_commands(i).DataValue = Convert.ChangeType(strTemp, _commands(i).DataType)
Catch ex As Exception
'Log(vbTab & "Error:" & ex.Message)
End Try
End If
'Log(vbTab & "Command scope is null")
End If
'Log(vbTab & "Command datatype is null")
End If
Continue For
End If
i += 1
Throw New ApplicationException("FilePath provided does not exist! FilePath Provided:'Some GCode File.eia'")
End If
以下是 GCode 的示例:
N2930 X-.2187 Y-1.2378 Z-.0135
N2940 X-.2195 Y-1.2434 Z-.0121
N2950 X-.2187 Y-1.249 Z-.0108
N2960 X-.2164 Y-1.2542 Z-.0096
N2970 X-.2125 Y-1.2585 Z-.0086
N2980 X-.207 Y-1.2613 Z-.0079
N2990 X-.2 Y-1.2624 Z-.0076
N3000 X0.
N3010 X12.
N3020 X24.
N3030 X24.2
N3040 X24.2072 Y-1.2635 Z-.0075
N3050 X24.2127 Y-1.2665 Z-.0071
N3060 X24.2167 Y-1.2709 Z-.0064
N3070 X24.2191 Y-1.2763 Z-.0057
N3080 X24.2199 Y-1.2821 Z-.0048
N3090 X24.2191 Y-1.2879 Z-.004
N3100 X24.2167 Y-1.2933 Z-.0032
N3110 X24.2127 Y-1.2977 Z-.0026
N3120 X24.2072 Y-1.3007 Z-.0021
N3130 X24.2 Y-1.3018 Z-.002
N3140 X24.
N3150 X12.
N3160 X0.
N3170 X-.2
N3180 X-.2074 Y-1.3029 Z-.0019
N3190 X-.2131 Y-1.306 Z-.0018
N3200 X-.2172 Y-1.3106 Z-.0016
N3210 X-.2196 Y-1.3161 Z-.0013
N3220 X-.2204 Y-1.3222 Z-.001
N3230 X-.2196 Y-1.3282 Z-.0007
N3240 X-.2172 Y-1.3338 Z-.0004
N3250 X-.2131 Y-1.3384 Z-.0002
N3260 X-.2074 Y-1.3415 Z-.0001
N3270 X-.2 Y-1.3426 Z0.
N3280 X0.
N3290 X12.
N3300 X24.
N3310 X24.2
N3320 G0 Z.1
N3330 Z1.0
N3340 G91 G28 Z0.0
N3350 G90
关于上面的示例 CNC 代码,您会注意到带有尾随 Z 命令的 X 和 Y 命令可以正确解析。
每条评论,这里是 _commands() 的细分
_commands = SortedList(Of Integer, Command)
- 范围作为枚举 ScopeType
- 名称为字符串
- 键为字符串
- 数据类型作为类型
- 数据值作为对象
For I = 0 To words.Length - 1 Step 1
'iterate through each "registered" keyword. Handled earlier in program
For Each cmd as String in _registeredCmds.Keys
'if current word resembles keyword then process
If words(I) Like cmd & "*" Then
'NEW!!! Declare unassigned Command object
Dim com As Command
' ****** New elongated logic double checking existence of values.....
If _registeredCmds.Keys.Scope = ScopeType.Modal Then
'assign Command object to previously declared variable com
com = New Command()'There's technically passing arguments now to ensure items are transferred
'Parse and pass DataValue from this word
com = New Command()'There's technically passing arguments now to ensure items are transferred
End If
'New sub to add Command object to local array
Continue For
End If