我有一个NSTextView包含一些带有属性的文本(语法突出显示)。我正在尝试使用一个复制选项来保持语法突出显示,以便我可以将其粘贴到 gmail 文本窗口中。目前,当我复制粘贴时突出显示不会出现,但是如果我要直接从这个 stackoverflow 页面复制以下部分:

- (void) copyAsRTF
    NSPasteboard *pateboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
    NSData * rtfData = [[self textStorage] RTFFromRange: [self selectedRange]
                                     documentAttributes: nil];

    if (rtfData)
        NSString * test = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: rtfData
                                                encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];

        [pateboard declareTypes: @[NSRTFPboardType]
                          owner: self];

        [pateboard setData: rtfData
                   forType: NSRTFPboardType];
    } // End of we had data
} // End of copyAsRTF

并将其粘贴到 gmail 中,它将以完整的语法高亮粘贴没有问题。上面的代码是我用来生成我的 RTF 代码的,我可以确认它确实生成了正确的 RTF,因为我有一个test正在生成的变量。


(我应该注意到我已经在多种浏览器中尝试过——Chrome、Safari 和 Firefox)。


2 回答 2


正如评论中发现的那样,为了在 chrome 中工作,您需要将文本复制为 html(public.html 粘贴板类型),或者可能同时复制 html 和 rtf 类型。

于 2015-06-17T17:38:11.453 回答

根据@Sega-Zero 的评论,我想出了以下内容(有点草率,但确实有效)。对于我的特定需求,html 颜色和字体应该与属性字符串匹配,所以我枚举它并创建一个 html 变量。这适用于 Safari、Chrome 和 Firefox。

#define PasteBoardTypeHTML          @"public.html"

- (void) copyAsRTF
    NSPasteboard *pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];

    // Get our RTF data
    NSData * rtfData = [[self textStorage] RTFFromRange: [self selectedRange]
                                     documentAttributes: nil];

    // Get the HTML for our current data
    NSData *htmlData = [[self htmlForRange: self.selectedRange] dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];

    NSMutableArray * clipboardTypes = [NSMutableArray array];
    if (nil != rtfData)
        [clipboardTypes addObject: NSPasteboardTypeRTF];
    } // End of we have rtf

    if(nil != htmlData)
        [clipboardTypes addObject: PasteBoardTypeHTML];
    } // End of we have html

    // Set our pasteboard types (types need to be declared before we call setData).
    [pasteboard declareTypes: clipboardTypes.copy
                       owner: self];

    if (rtfData)
        [pasteboard setData: rtfData
                   forType: NSPasteboardTypeRTF];
    } // End of we have rtf

        [pasteboard setData: htmlData
                   forType: PasteBoardTypeHTML];
    } // End of we have html
} // End of copyAsRTF

- (NSString *) htmlForRange: (NSRange) range
    NSMutableString * htmlOutput = [NSMutableString stringWithString: @"<meta charset='utf-8'><pre>"];

    [[self textStorage] enumerateAttributesInRange: range
                                           options: 0
     ^(NSDictionary * attributes, NSRange range, BOOL * stop)
         NSString * actualCode = [[self textStorage].string substringWithRange: range];
         actualCode = [self textToHtml: actualCode];

         NSMutableString * currentHtml = [NSMutableString stringWithString: @"<span"];
         NSColor * color = attributes[NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
         NSFont  * font  = attributes[NSFontAttributeName];

         NSMutableArray * fontStyles = [NSMutableArray array];

         if(nil != color)
             NSString * fontColorStyle =
                [NSString stringWithFormat: @"color: %@;", [color hexadecimalValue]];

             [fontStyles addObject: fontColorStyle];
         } // End of we have a color

         if(nil != font)
             NSString * fontDetailsStyle =
             [NSString stringWithFormat: @"font-family: %@;", font.familyName];
             [fontStyles addObject: fontDetailsStyle];
         } // End of we have a font

         if(nil != fontStyles && fontStyles.count > 0)
             [currentHtml appendFormat: @" style=\"%@\"", [fontStyles componentsJoinedByString: @" "]];
         } // End of we have font styles

         [currentHtml appendString: @">"];

         [currentHtml appendString: actualCode];
         [currentHtml appendString: @"</span>"];

         // Add our section
         [htmlOutput appendString: currentHtml];
     }]; // End of attribute enumerations

    // End of html output
    [htmlOutput appendString: @"</pre></meta>"];

    return htmlOutput.copy;
} // End of htmlForRange:

- (NSString*)textToHtml:(NSString*)htmlString
    htmlString = [htmlString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"&"  withString:@"&amp;"];
    htmlString = [htmlString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"<"  withString:@"&lt;"];
    htmlString = [htmlString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@">"  withString:@"&gt;"];
    htmlString = [htmlString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"""" withString:@"&quot;"];
    htmlString = [htmlString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"'"  withString:@"&#039;"];
    htmlString = [htmlString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\n" withString:@"<br>"];
    return htmlString;
} // End of textToHtml:
于 2015-06-17T17:23:23.000 回答