I am involved in a project which has the functionality like whatsapp does for contacts.My app have to get the contact from phone(ie Peoples app) and sync it to server to find the users who are all already involved in my app.If a user not involved already i need to place a invite button.

For sync there is no problem i implemented a sync adapter,I have to get the updates like new phone no added or name changed in the contacts of people app.

I think VERSION and CONTACT_LAST_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP fields are not exactly what i need.Because they may be updated when other details in the are changed.

我需要在我的应用程序启动时监控联系人的变化,如果联系人有任何变化,我需要获取该联系人详细信息并将其发送到服务器以了解他的状态。正在运行一个service with content observer 将适用于这种情况。如果可行,我如何获得更新的联系方式。



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