你知道在@param 和@return 块之后是否可以写一些东西。假设我想在参数/返回声明之后写一段文本,与它们分开。
似乎 Javadoc 和 Jsdoc 都将您在 @param/@return 之后编写的任何内容附加到同一块 conetnts 中。
function showUpperCaseString(string_to_show)
This function shows the input string in upper case and blah, blah, ...
{string} string_to_show
{boolean} true if everything was ok, or false on failure
It's important to notice that I would like to show this text NOT in the
return contents. But the Javadoc, Jsdoc always attach everything to the last
@param/@return block. Even if I use nexline <br> or <p> it goes new line but
still indented as if it was part of the last return block.