Certain nuget libraries seem to force my project to rebuild (as in run fsc.exe to produce a new binary) every single time I build the solution, even if nothing at all has changed. As soon as I delete the reference in the Visual Studio references tree, fsc.exe is no longer called until I actually make a change.

I don't actually need any code at all to reproduce this problem - an empty main function in a project referencing a problematic library will face this issue.

After some trial and error two nuget libraries which definitely cause this problem are:

  • FSharp.Actor-logary
  • Newtonsoft.Json.FSharp

but it may well apply to others.

I read in a comment elsewhere on stack overflow that type providers always force recompiles, is that true? My empty test project doesn't use type providers, but maybe these libraries do.

I am using Visual Studio 2013.


2 回答 2


我想我已经解决了:有问题的库的最后修改日期是 15/12/2030

我在项目的 GitHub 页面上打开了一个问题:https ://github.com/logary/logary/issues/74

于 2015-06-16T11:55:51.097 回答

当 MSFT 在单声道中修复其组装生成错误时,此问题已得到解决。

于 2018-05-09T17:54:39.020 回答