我目前正在尝试使用 GMavenPlus(谢谢@Keegan!)和 Groovy 2.4.3 编写一个 Maven 插件。简而言之,插件解析 SQL DDL 的目录并从这些解析的 DDL 生成输出
Mojo 本身在构建、导入和运行在一个完整的消费项目中时工作得很好。霍拉!
问题在于单元测试。当试图对这个 Mojo 进行单元测试时,Maven POM vars like${project.basedir}
没有被扩展,因此 mojo 失败并出现类似“找不到文件![${project.basedir}/src/test/resources/ddl]”的错误。正如您从该错误消息中看到的那样,它${project.basedir}
我目前正在使用 Maven 插件测试工具(具有固定依赖项,请参阅此博客)、JUnit 4.12 和 AssertJ 3.0.0 作为我的测试堆栈。
有什么想法或特定技巧可以让 project.basedir 在单元测试中扩展?
import edge.SqlToScalaMojo
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
* Created by medge on 6/15/15.
class SqlToScalaMojoTest extends BaseMojoTest<SqlToScalaMojo> {
SqlToScalaMojo mojo
void setup() {
mojo = getMojo("parse-ddls")
void testMojoExecution() throws Exception {
assertThat mojo isNotNull()
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo
import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.MojoRule
import org.junit.Rule
* Base Test class for Mojo tests. Extends {@link org.assertj.core.api.Assertions}
* If a type is given to this class then the result of #getMojo() does not have to be cast, reducing the amount of code
* to be written in the unit tests themselves.
* Created by medge on 6/5/15.
abstract class BaseMojoTest<T extends AbstractMojo> extends org.assertj.core.api.Assertions {
* MojoRule used to lookup Mojos
@Rule public MojoRule rule = new MojoRule()
* Get a configured mojo using the default pom file. Calls #getMojo(goal, getPom()) implicitly
* @param goal Goal to look up
* @return T configured Mojo
T getMojo(String goal) {
getMojo(goal, getPom())
* Get a configured mojo using the specified pom file
* @param goal Goal to look up
* @param pom POM file to use when configuring Mojo
* @return T configured Mojo
T getMojo(String goal, File pom) {
T mojo = (T) rule.lookupMojo(goal, pom)
* Default POM file if no custom path is given
String defaultPomPath = "src/test/resources/plugin-config.xml"
* Return a File reference containing the default POM file
* @return File
File getPom() {
* Return a File reference containing the POM file found at the specified path. Implicitly asserts that the POM
* exists using <code>assertFile</code>
* @param path Path to user-defined POM (overrides the default if provided)
* @return File containing the specified POM.
File getPom(String path) {
File _pom = getTestFile(path)
// Implicitly assert POM exists
// Then return the POM file
* Convenience method to assert that a file is valid
* @param file File to validate
static void assertFile(File file) {
assertThat file isNotNull()
assertThat file exists()
* Get the current project's base directory. From {@link org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusTestCase}
* @return Base directory path
static String getBaseDir() {
final String path = System.getProperty( "basedir" );
path ?: new File( "" ).getAbsolutePath();
* Return a test file from the src/test/resources directory. Assumes the base directory is src/test/resources so the
* src/test/resources prefix can be omitted from the path if desired
* @param path File path
* @return File
static File getTestFile(String path) {
File testFile
if(path.indexOf("src/test/resources/") > -1)
testFile = getTestFile(getBaseDir(), path)
testFile = getTestFile(getBaseDir(), "src/test/resources/${path}")
* Retrieve a test file from the given baseDir/path
* @param baseDir String base directory to look in
* @param path String path to the file desired
* @return File
static File getTestFile(String baseDir, String path) {
new File(baseDir, path)
Mojo 本身的主 POM 文件:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<!-- Test dependencies -->
<!-- Dependencies for Maven Mojos -->
<!-- see http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-5346 -->
单元测试期间使用的测试 POM: