我有一个问题,我导入一个大数据集,然后从该数据集中生成一些选择输入,然后希望能够有一个图,我可以从数据集中自由选择我的 x 轴和 y 轴。
我一直在用我当前的代码使浏览器崩溃——我相信它与 rCharts 试图生成 polychart 有关系,变量尚不可用——我的自定义输入必须先加载。我已经尝试过使用反应部件和隔离输出以及其他东西——要么我做的不对,要么它的方式不对——无论哪种方式都不起作用。
我对闪亮的 R 尤其是 rCharts 相当陌生,但我的图表只使用一个输入 - 尝试使多个可选时出现问题。
我有以下三个 UI,它们为 renderCharts 提供输入,如下所示:
output$TestSelection <- renderUI({
selectInput("TestSel", "Test Variable", ls(df, pattern = ".*?_meas|.*?_calc"))
output$customx <- renderUI({
selectInput("xcustom", "Custom Graph - X", ls(df), selected = input$TestSel)
output$customy <- renderUI({
selectInput("ycustom", "Custom Graph - Y", ls(df), selected = input$TestSel)
和 renderChart2 代码:
output$customplot <- renderChart2({
#Removing all unneccessary data from dataframe,
dataPlot <- df[,c("DUT", input$ycustom, input$xcustom)]
custom_chart <- rPlot(x = input$xcustom,y = input$ycustom,
data = dataPlot,
type = "point",
tooltip = "#!function(item){return item.DUT}!#",
sample = FALSE)
#Adjusting width to fit the current screen
custom_chart$set(width = session$clientData$output_plot2_width , title = paste(input$ycustom, " vs. ", input$ycustom, sep =""))
#Setting the correct axis
axisincrease = abs((max(dataPlot[,input$xcustom])-min(dataPlot[,input$xcustom]))*0.05)
x = list(
min = pretty(dataPlot[,input$xcustom])[1]-axisincrease,
max = tail(pretty(dataPlot[,input$xcustom]),1)+axisincrease,
numticks = length(dataPlot[,input$xcustom])
y = list(
min = pretty( dataPlot[, input$ycustom] ) [1],
max = tail( pretty( dataPlot[, input$ycustom] ), 1 )