<cfwebsocket name="ChatSocket" onOpen="openHandler" onMessage="msgHandler" onError="errHandler">
function openHandler(){
//Subscribe to the channel, pass in headers for filtering later
ChatSocket.subscribe('chatChannel',{name: 'TheUserName', UserID: 'TheUserID', AccountID: 'AnUniqueID' });
// function to send the message. we can call this when the user clicks on send message
function publish(userID){
var msg = {
AccountID: "AnUniqueID",
publisher: userID,
id: userID,
message: document.getElementById("Name").value + " : " + document.getElementById("message").value
//When including headers, the "selector" is where you will filter who it goes to.
var headers = {
AccountID: "AnUniqueID",
publisher: userID,
id: userID
// we can save the chat history by an ajax call here
ChatSocket.publish('chatChannel',msg, headers);
// this is the receiving function
function msgHandler(message){
// if condition to display the message to the user who are sending and receiving
if(message.data !== undefined && message.data.message !== undefined && (message.data.id == '#session.userID#' || message.data.publisher == '#session.userID#')) {
var data = message.data.message;
//showing the message
var txt=document.getElementById("myDiv");
txt.innerHTML+= data + "<br>";
function errHandler(err){