我是红宝石新手。我正在尝试使用 em-websocket 实现聊天客户端。我有以下代码:
EventMachine::WebSocket.start(host: '', port: 8080) do |websock|
websock.onopen do
puts 'New Connection Opened'
cookies = CGI::Cookie::parse( websock.request["cookie"])
person = Person.where(['token = ?', cookies["token"]]).first
unless person
websock.close(code = nil, body = {Error: "Invalid Token"}.to_json) unless person
puts "#{person.name} authenticated!"
person=person.attributes.merge(websock.attributes) # this doesn't work
# Subscribe the new user to the GrindServer.realtime_channel with the callback function for the push action
new_user = GrindServer.realtime_channel.subscribe { |msg| websock.send msg }
GrindServer.online_people << person
# Add the new user to the user list
@users[websock.object_id] = new_user
# Push the last messages to the user
# message.all.each do |message|
# websock.send message.to_json
# end
# puts GrindServer.realtime_channel.inspect
# Broadcast the notification to all users
onlinepeople = []
GrindServer.online_people.each do |onli|
onlinepeople << person
# Send last 10 messages to the newly connected user
websock.send Message.where({ receiver_id: [0, person.id}).last(10).to_json
GrindServer.realtime_channel.push ({
'id' => 0,
'sender_id' => 0,
'messagetext' => "#{person.name} joined. <$<^<#<#{@users.length}>#>^>$> users in chat",
'users' => onlinepeople,
'metadata' => websock.request["query"]["id"],
...# other event handlers
基本上我正在尝试维护人员列表(ActiveRecord 对象)及其相应的 WebSocket::Connection 对象。
更新:即使我无法合并。我应该能够在 websocket 上附上一个注释,说明这属于一个名为“x”的人吗?