我认为词汇表是一种特殊类型的目录,或者在列表中,目录可以提供词汇表的来源。似乎不是数据列表和目录。我想要实现的是将我的分类服务器插入到 nuxeo 中。换句话说,我希望 nuxeo 使用外部定义的分类法。目录抽象不是为了它吗?分类服务器为外部访问提供一些休息服务。


1 回答 1


Yes the directory abstraction is designed to abstract lists like yours. You need to implement a new Nuxeo component and implement a org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.DirectoryFactory and a org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.Directory as well as a org.nuxeo.ecm.directory.Session. It's not as easy as it should and involves a few classes, but it's quite feasible.

You can take as an example the SQL implementation in nuxeo-platform-directory-sql to get an idea if what's needed.

于 2015-06-16T10:27:19.627 回答