我正在使用 SpreadsheetFormatColumns() 将电子表格中的列格式化为“文本”,但我不知道该怎么做,livedocs 中的所有格式都是数字、货币或日期......有没有类似的东西
SpreadsheetFormatColumns(mySpreadsheet, {dataFormat="text"}, "1-15")
我正在使用 SpreadsheetFormatColumns() 将电子表格中的列格式化为“文本”,但我不知道该怎么做,livedocs 中的所有格式都是数字、货币或日期......有没有类似的东西
SpreadsheetFormatColumns(mySpreadsheet, {dataFormat="text"}, "1-15")
在 ColdFusion 9.0.1(即更新程序 1)中,如果您使用 SpreadsheetSetCellValue() 它将尊重您之前设置的格式。因此,要在填充工作表时强制将列作为文本,您可以使用 3 步过程:
这是一个示例,您可以将其复制到 .cfm 中并按原样运行(需要 CF9.0.1)
// Create a 2 column, 2 row query. The first column contains numbers or possible numbers we want formatted as text in our spreadsheet
q = QueryNew( "" );
QueryAddColumn( q,"NumbersAsText","VarChar",[ 01050094071094340000,"743059E6" ] );
QueryAddColumn( q,"Text","VarChar",[ "abc","def" ] );
// Get the column names as an array so we can get at them more easily later
columns = q.getMetaData().getColumnLabels();
// Create a new spreadsheet object
sheet = SpreadSheetNew( "test" );
// specify the column we want formatted as text
forceTextColumnNumber = 1;
// Use the query column names as column headers in our sheet
SpreadSheetAddRow( sheet,q.columnList );
// Add the data: the numbers will be inserted as numeric for now
SpreadSheetAddRows( sheet,q );
// Now we format the column as text
SpreadSheetFormatColumn( sheet,{ dataformat="text" },forceTextColumnNumber );
// Having formatted the column, add the column from our query again so the values correct
while( q.next() )
// Skip the header row by adding one
rownumber = ( q.currentrow + 1 );
// Get the value of column at the current row in the loop
value = q[ columns[ forceTextColumnNumber ] ][ q.currentrow ];
// replace the previously added numeric value which will now be treated as text
SpreadsheetSetCellValue( sheet,value,rownumber,forceTextColumnNumber );
// Download the object as a file
sheetAsBinary = SpreadSheetReadBinary( sheet );
filename = "test.xls";
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=#Chr(34)##filename##Chr(34)#">
<cfcontent type="application/msexcel" variable="#sheetAsBinary#" reset="true">