from collections import namedtuple
from getpass import getpass
import hashlib
from invoke import Responder
import uuid
from fabric import Connection, Config
User = namedtuple('UserRecord', ('name', 'password'))
def set_passwords(conn, user):
print(f'Setting password for user, {user.name}')
responder = Responder(
pattern=r'(?:Enter|Retype) new UNIX password:',
result = conn.sudo(f'passwd {user.name}', warn=True, hide='both',
user='root', pty=True, watchers = [responder])
if result.exited is not 0:
print(f'Error, could not set password for user, "{user.name}". command: '
f'{result.command}; exit code: {result.exited}; stderr: '
print(f'Successfully set password for {user.name}')
def expire_passwords(conn, user):
print(f'Expiring password for user, {user.name}')
cmd = f'passwd --expire {user.name}'
result = conn.sudo(cmd, warn=True, user='root')
if result.exited is not 0:
print(f'Error, could not expire password for user, "{user.name}". '
f'command: {result.command}; exit code: {result.exited}; stderr: '
print(f'Successfully expired password for {user.name}')
def gen_password(seed_string):
# Don't roll your own crypto. This is for demonstration only and it is
# expected to only create a temporary password that requires changing upon
# initial login. I am no cryptography expert, hence this alternative
# simplified answer to the one that uses crypt, salt, etc -
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/5137688/1782641.
seed_str_enc = seed_string.encode(encoding='UTF-8')
uuid_obj = uuid.UUID(int=int(hashlib.md5(seed_str_enc).hexdigest(), 16))
return str(uuid_obj)[:8]
def some_function_that_returns_something_secret(conn):
return f'dummy-seed-{conn}'
sudo_pass = getpass('Enter your sudo password:')
config = Config(overrides={'sudo': {'password': sudo_pass}})
with Connection('vm', config=config) as vm_conn:
print(f'Making a new connection to {vm_conn.host}.')
# I usually use the sudo connection here to run a command that returns a
# reproducible string that only the sudo user could get access to be used
# for user_record.password bellow. Proceed with caution, this is not a
# recommended approach
seed = some_function_that_returns_something_secret(vm_conn)
user_record = User(name='linux_user', password=gen_password(seed))
set_passwords(vm_conn, user_record)
expire_passwords(vm_conn, user_record)
print(f'Done! Disconnecting from {vm_conn.host}.')
# So that you know the temporary password, print user_record or save to file
# `ssh linux_user@vm` and it should insist that you change password