class MyClass
    public event Action<string> OnAction;
    public event Func<string, int> OnFunc;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        MyClass mc = new MyClass();

        /// I need to handle arbitrary events.
        /// But I see no way to create anonymous delegates in runtime
        /// with arbitrary returns and parameters. So I choosed to
        /// create multiple “signatures” with different parameter
        /// number (up to 10) and different returns (either the Action or
        /// Func). While Actions<> work pretty well, the Funcs<> do not.
        Action<dynamic> someAction = delegate(dynamic p1) { };
        Func<dynamic, dynamic> someFunc = delegate(dynamic p1) { return 42;};

        // OK
        mc.OnAction += someAction;

        // Error: “Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Func<dynamic,dynamic>'
        // to 'System.Func<string,int>'”
        mc.OnFunc += someFunc;

        // It doesn't work this way as well (the same error message):
        // dynamic someFunc = new Func<dynamic, dynamic>((dynamic n1) => { return 42; });

        // Let's try another way
        // 1:
        // Cannot convert anonymous method to delegate type 'System.Func<string,int>'
        // because the parameter types do not match the delegate parameter types.
        // 2 (even more funny):
        // Parameter 1 is declared as type 'dynamic' but should be 'string'.
        mc.OnFunc += delegate(dynamic p1) { return 42; };

为什么它适用于动作而不适用于函数?换句话说,我只是想知道为什么Action<dynamic> → Action<string>可以,而Func<dynamic,dynamic> → Func<string, int>不能。谢谢。


3 回答 3


如果 C# 期望返回类型为int的委托,则声明为返回的委托dynamic是不兼容的。您的委托被声明为Func<dynamic, dynamic>,并且 C# 是强类型的。它不关心你的函数是否真的返回一个 int 并接受一个字符串;它仍然被声明为Func<dynamic, dynamic>.


Func<string, int> myFunc = delegate(string foo) { return 42; };    
int result = myFunc("Foo");

// If this was allowed...
Func<dynamic, dynamic> otherFunc = delegate(string foo) { return 42; };
myFunc = otherFunc;
result = myFunc("Foo");

// Then this would also be allowed but would be a run-time error.
otherFunc = delegate(string foo) { return "Bar"; }; // Valid
myFunc = otherFunc;
result = myFunc("Foo"); // Oops... an int isn't returned.
于 2010-06-20T18:45:20.070 回答

Action 和 Func 定义之间的唯一区别是 Action 没有返回类型。如果您从以下位置更改代码:

mc.OnFunc += new Func<dynamic, dynamic>(someFunc);// += someFunc;

mc.OnFunc += new Func<dynamic, int>(someFunc);// += someFunc;


于 2010-06-20T12:45:41.180 回答


动作定义如下:delegate void Action <in T> (T arg);,而func是这样delegate TResult Func <in T, out TResult> (T arg);的: 问题出在out关键字上,表示协变,而不是in关键字的逆变。同时typeof(dynamic) == typeof(object)也是真的。所以dynamic,作为一种更通用的类型,与我们所采用的任何东西都不是协变的。嗯,我觉得动态绑定更灵活。”</p>

进一步阅读:http: //blogs.msdn.com/b/csharpfaq/archive/2010/02/16/covariance-and-contravariance-faq.aspx



于 2010-06-21T05:31:31.933 回答