我遵循了 luminusweb.net 网站上的大部分教程,使用 +h2 新应用程序设置了数据库系统。我目前所拥有的反映了本教程所示的留言簿设置。我现在想知道如何访问迁移表中的特定条目。更具体地说,我试图根据表格内的条目限制对网页(登录系统)的访问。


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The migration file purpose is to create the tables in your database. To access those tables you will have to write queries in the file located here: your_project > resources > sql > queries.sql

Here you should write queries, there are a few examples on the Luminus website. When you see parameters with semicolumns, it means that you have to pass a map with those parameters when you call these queries in your program. Ex: if you have this query:

-- name: accounts_for_user
-- retrieve all accounts a user has access to and the associated rights
SELECT account_name, admin
FROM accounts_users
WHERE email = :email;

The call:

(db/accounts_for_user {:email "laurent@test.com"})

will return a lazy sequence like this:


Then if you want to restrict the access to a specific page based on what's in your database, there are a few options. The Buddy auth library offers a few options, the easiest to use is the session one. First, when a user enters a correct password, you inject their identifier in :session :identity in any request. For instance

(-> (redirect "/accounts-list")
    (assoc :session {:identity "user@test.com"}))

The identity parameter will be in every request until the session dies (30 minutes by default) or you overwrite it. In your pages, you can test buddy.auth/authenticated? on the requests, and redirect to an error page or whatever you like if it returns false. I am currently writing a tutorial for webapps using Luminus, I'll update this answer when it's available.

于 2015-11-25T06:57:54.613 回答