当我根据OpenDJ 2.6.0中的说明创建索引时。


$/opt/opendj/bin/dsconfig create-local-db-index --hostname --port 4444 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword 123 --backend-name cfgStore --index-name iplanet-am-user-federation-info-key --set index-type:equality --trustAll;

The Local DB Index could not be created because of the following reason:

    *  [LDAP: error code 53 - The Directory Server is unwilling to add
       configuration entry
       kend-id=cfgStore,cn=Backends,cn=config because one of the add listeners
       registered with the parent entry
       cn=Index,ds-cfg-backend-id=cfgStore,cn=Backends,cn=config rejected this
       change with the message: The Local DB Index could not be decoded due to
       the following reason: The string value
       "iplanet-am-user-federation-info-key" is not a valid value for the
       "attribute" property, which must have the following syntax: OID]

$/opt/opendj/bin/dsconfig create-local-db-index --hostname --port 4444 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword 123 --backend-name cfgStore --index-name sun-fm-saml2-nameid-infokey --set index-type:equality --trustAll;

The Local DB Index could not be created because of the following reason:

    *  [LDAP: error code 53 - The Directory Server is unwilling to add
       configuration entry
       cfgStore,cn=Backends,cn=config because one of the add listeners
       registered with the parent entry
       cn=Index,ds-cfg-backend-id=cfgStore,cn=Backends,cn=config rejected this
       change with the message: The Local DB Index could not be decoded due to
       the following reason: The string value "sun-fm-saml2-nameid-infokey" is
       not a valid value for the "attribute" property, which must have the
       following syntax: OID]

$/opt/opendj/bin/dsconfig create-local-db-index --hostname --port 4444 --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword 123 --backend-name cfgStore --index-name sunxmlkeyvalue --set index-type:equality --set index-type:substring --trustAll;

The Local DB Index could not be created because of the following reason:

    *  [LDAP: error code 53 - The Directory Server is unwilling to add
       configuration entry
       ackends,cn=config because one of the add listeners registered with the
       parent entry cn=Index,ds-cfg-backend-id=cfgStore,cn=Backends,cn=config
       rejected this change with the message: The Local DB Index could not be
       decoded due to the following reason: The string value "sunxmlkeyvalue"
       is not a valid value for the "attribute" property, which must have the
       following syntax: OID]



1 回答 1


看起来您正在尝试为 OpenDJ 服务器架构中未定义的属性创建索引。服务器无法理解如何对其进行索引。请先加载 OpenAM 架构。

于 2015-06-12T05:46:40.493 回答